Chapter 16: Plans

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Jinyoung woke up to Jennie walking in, irritated about how Jackson talks too loud in the morning.

"- How are you friend with annoying people? I can't even sleep peacefully!" Jennie complained.

"I'm living with one now," Jinyoung said to himself before getting off the bed.

He kicked out Jennie before getting ready.

After Jinyoung was done getting ready, he exited his room and into the living room.

"Jackson?" Jinyoung leaned onto his best friends shoulder.

"Markie, Jaebum and I decided to go watch the movies! Wanna come?" Jackson smirked.

"I don't know," Jinyoung muffled, "I wanna sleep in."

"Come on!" Jackson pouted, "Unnie! Help me, please!"

"Park Jinyoung if you do not go with them I will make sure that you fail that project!" Jisoo joker with Jinyoung.

"Fine," Jinyoung whined before sitting up straight.

Jinyoung thought for a while. He processed everything Jackson said.

"Jaebum is going with us? Doesn't he have a date with Youngjae? Or that's what Mark ranted to me about yesterday," Jinyoung said.

Its been almost a week since Jinyoung had been hanging out with the three. But he kept his feelings hidden.

Mark and him had become closer than Jackson and himself. It was a little odd, but fine with both of his friends.

"You didn't hear? Jaebum broke off wit Youngjae after he saw him cheating with this girl. After six months of dating, everyone at school found out that Youngjae is actually bi and not gay," Jackson shrugged.

"Yeah but..." Jinyoung's smile came to a sad frown.

He knew Youngjae was going to try and do something miserable to him. Its all that Youngjae could do.

"But?" Jackson asked.

"Nothing. Lets go! Don't want to keep the two waiting," Jinyoung smiled with his crinkle eyes, which he did not mean to.

"Aw, your so cute!" Jackson pinched his cheeks.

"No I am not. This smile is ugly," Jinyoung pouted.

The two exited the apartment and walked to where the other two were waiting.

"Jackson! Jinnie! What took you so long?" Mark looped his arm with Jinyoung's.

"Its hard to persuade someone who's always grumpy," Jackson mumbled.

"What! I am not always grumpy!" Jinyoung pouted.

"Look at you!" Jackson pointed at him.

"Hmph," Jinyoung snuggled his face into Mark's arm.

Jackson grumbled at how Jinyoung was now smuggling with Mark and not him, and Jaebum was tearing up inside.

"Oh Mark! Come inside with me!" Jackson paused at a store.

He dragged Mark inside, leaving Jinyoung whining and Jaebum  tensed. This was the first time they had been together since that one day with ice cream.

"So, Jinyoung, have you gone to see your dad yet?" Jaebum asked.

"No, I have been debating to go. Maybe after graduation?" Jinyoung questioned himself.

"Maybe we should go tomorrow," Jaebum suggested.

"That would be awkward though," Jinyoung stated.

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