Chapter 32: Therapy

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It had been a few weeks since Jinyoung had escaped from Youngjae.

And he had been going through therapy.

"Jinyoung? Are you okay?" Mark asked as Jinyoung walked out from the bathroom.

"Yeah, I just been feeling really sick since coming back," Jinyoung shivered.

"Shouldn't you get checked up?" Mark asked.

"It's nothing to worry about," Jinyoung insisted, "Plus I'm going to be late if we don't hurry."

Mark sighed, but listened to Jinyoung. The two walked down to the bus station and waited for the bus.

"When do you have to go to court?" Mark looked over at Jinyoung.

"Next week. Mr. Kim was able to get the hearing done earlier," Jinyoung responded.

"Ah... You know Jaebum's going to be there, too, right?" Mark asked carefully.

"Yeah... I want to talk to him actually. I miss him," Jinyoung pouted.

"Aw, Jinyoungie is sad over Jaebum!" Mark laughed.

"Stop," Jinyoung whined, smacking the elders shoulder.

The two got off the bus after some time and started walking to the building.

"Is Jackson coming today?" Jinyoung asked.

"Yeah! So I won't be lonely," Mark smiled.

"Okay," Jinyoung smiled at his friend.

Mark had been coming to therapy with Jinyoung, and the younger knew it was boring. He just wanted someone there.

"Jackie!" Mark jumped onto Jackson.

"Hey!" Jackson smile, "we should hurry. Last time you guys were late."

"By a few minutes!" Jinyoung whined.

"Ten minutes to be exact," Jackson rolled his eyes. He let Mark walk by himself before entering the building.

"Park Jinyoung," Jinyoung walked up to the receptionist.

"Take a seat. Dr. Kim will be here with you," Jimin smiled at Jinyoung. The first time Jinyoung had came in by himself, they both talked for a long time before the doctor came.

The three sat down together. Mark and Jackson talked about everything and Jinyoung only wondered what to do with the this inside his belly.

"Jinyoung?" Dr. Kim voice drew Jinyoung from his thoughts.

"Hello," Jinyoung got and walked greeted the Doctor.

The two walked into a room filled with pink designs, drawing the younger attention at the new flowers.

"Namjoon came by," Dr. Kim smiled.

"That's cute!" Jinyoung smiled.

Dr. Kim sat down across from Jinyoung on the couch.

"Is there anything new this week you want to talk to me about?" Dr. Kim asked.

"I tested to see if I was pregnant this morning," Jinyoung held in his tears.

"And?" Dr. Kim questioned.

"It's positive," Jinyoung cried.

"And is the dad..." Dr. Kim did not want to pressure the younger.

Jinyoung nodded and wiped his tears.

"Does anybody else know?" The doctor walked over to his box of tissue.

"No," Jinyoung hiccupped.

"Jinyoung... You must open up to your friends. Take as much time as possible, but when it starts showing you can't lie anymore," Dr. Kim slowly said, handing the box over.

"What if they don't accept it?" Jinyoung asked through sobs.

"Well you wouldn't know for sure without tell, right?" Dr. Kim smiled at him.

Jinyoung nodded.

"I have to do a check up soon," Jinyoung frowned.

"Well, feel them soon," Dr. Kim laughed, "And, remember, if you keep the child or don't, do what your heart says. You don't want to live in a life full of regret."

Jinyoung nodded before Dr. Kim sent him off.

"Thank you, Seokjin. For everything," Jinyoung smiled before leaving.


Tjiksnkdnr Jaebum's coming bacck. Do you think he wants to keep the child? Even if its not his? I don't think so but.. We'll see!

Plus sorry for the late update. My life is very busy. T.T.



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