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A/n: This is my first semi-smut scene so if it's horrible, I apologize.

It's 10pm and I do nothing but fantasize about Ariana. I am super obsessed with her and I kinda like it. I close my eyes and keep thinking about her. I pull out my phone and go on an adult website, I find a sexy and steamy video with a girl that reminds me most about Ariana. When I find one, I skip to the middle and pull down my shorts. I was already hard and couldn't wait. I grab the lotion bottle at my bedside and put some on my left hand. I stroke on my dick up and down as I watch the video. I wasn't very big, 5 inches, but I thought it was good enough. Couple minutes pass by and I feel my climax.

"Fuck Ariana," I whisper.

I shoot on my stomach and look at my phone at a picture of Ariana on my phone.

"Damn," I finish off the night watching some YouTube and end up falling into a deep sleep.


Next day of school comes and to me feels like any other school day of the year. There's nothing really special about today, but I hope something special will happen today.

I get through three classes and the fourth one comes around. "Here we go," I say to myself knowing that I'm going to run into Ariana soon. I totally forgot about the test that we were warned about last class.

"Alright class, phones away and any other papers as well," the teacher commanded. I looked over at Ariana and she had a worried face. Something you should know about Ari, she tries her best in school to get an A, but always ends up with C's and B's.

The test was just like any other to me, average and simple. The bell rang and we all rushed to the door. I saw a shorter girl with brown hair to my side. C'mon just talk to her.

"H-hey Ari," I stutter.

"Oh, hey Y/n," her voice was happy, which made me want her even more.

"So how'd you think you did on the test?

"Oh, completely bombed it"

"Really? I never imagined you the type to do terrible on tests"

"Yeah, well I usually get a grade below an A no matter how hard I try"

"Aw, I'm sorry,"

"No it's cool it's just that I wish I can be naturally smart you know? Like get an A- without even trying,"

"I get it," We keep making small talk and I think I'm getting somewhere with her.

She grabbed my hand and said, "I'll see you tomorrow Y/n," she said with a smile.

"You too," I smiled back. She held my hand very subtle, I know it didn't mean anything but it felt like the most amazing thing ever. I wish I could tell her how I really feel.

-------------------------------------------------------------- It's the next day of school and I feel more confident about talking with Ariana. She looked beautiful today: knee-high black boots, blue jeans, pink jacket with pearl earrings.

As I walked into class, I passed by Ariana and tried to make small talk.

"Hey Ari, you look good today,"

"Wow, thanks Y/n," she said back with her beautiful brown eyes and she flashed her white smile at me. I licked my lips while looking at her which caused her to giggle.

"What are you doing?" she asked

"Oh nothing sorry," I didn't notice I was licking my lips right in front of her and if I kept going, I'm pretty sure I would've started drooling. I went straight to my seat and tried to brush it off.

30 minutes into the period and the teacher talks about the test.

"Well the scores weren't very good, only some of you got an A," I look over at Ariana and she looked like she was praying she was one of the ones that got an A. The teacher spends five minutes handing out the tests one-by-one each student having a different reaction to their score than the person next to them. I look up to the teacher handing me back my test and tells me good job. I got an A on the test which I wasn't surprised about, but then I look up at Ariana and she has a frown on her face.

The bell rings and all the students rush to the door. I purposely hurry and try to get next to Ariana and I could smell her beautiful scent coming from her hair.

"What did you get on the test?" I asked.

"Ugh, a 72%," she sounded depressed.

"Not quite an A huh?" She shook her head. This gave me an idea.

"H-Hey umm, I got an A on the test, and I was-was w-wondering if-if I could help you s-study," My stutter was bad and I think she started to notice it.

She giggled, "Yeah, you know what, how about tonight? I can come over or you can come over and we can study," I couldn't believe it."I could really use the tutoring at this point."

"How a-about after school today? My parents won't be home till late tonight," I still couldn't believe Ariana asked to come over.

"Yeah I'm down. Could you give me a ride to your house and back to mine afterwards though?"

"Of course"

The last bell of the day rings and I see Ariana across the quad and we lock eyes. I wave her over to come to me and she notices it. We greet each other and walk to my car.

"Woah, you drive a Benz?" she sounded impressed.

"Yeah you like it?"

"Very," she lightly put her hand on my arm and slowly pulled it away. I opened the passenger-side door and she got in. I started up the car and drove to my house. We were jamming to Fifth Harmony on the way and I was surprised she liked my taste in music. Usually no one likes my music. God damn can Ariana sing though. I just admired her singing and kept it to myself. We got to my house and I opened the front door.

"Take off your shoes please, my mom doesn't like shoes inside"

She giggled, "Of course Y/n." We made it to my room and got to studying.

After an hour of straight books, we felt bored."I don't feel like studying anymore," she whined.

"Well if you want to start getting A's you gotta put your mind to it," I tried encouraging her.

"Yeah, but can't we do something else? Studying is so boring"

"We can watch some Netflix if you'd like"

"Yeah sure," I turned on the TV and asked,

"What do you wanna watch?"

"How about Stranger Things?"

I've never seen it but I was willing to watch it if Ariana wanted to. I turned on the TV and she laid on my bed and patted the space next to her.

"You wanna lay down?"

No fucking way "Y-Yeah sure"

Into You (Ariana/you/Camila)Where stories live. Discover now