Thirty Three

421 8 1

We arrived at the arena and quickly got out of the car. As soon as I locked the car door, Camila grabbed me by the hand and ran to the building, dragging me along. "Someone's excited," I said.

"Hurry up Y/n," she said. I don't know why she was so anxious to get inside. It's not like we were barely making it in time or anything. We are two hours early so I don't feel the need for her to be rushing.

"Slow down Camila," she dropped her pace to which her feet were moving.

"Ok, I'm sorry. I'm just super excited to get graduated," we were walking beside each other now.

"Don't rush it. You only get graduated once, better enjoy it while it lasts"

"I know," as we were walking, I heard a car door slam and looked to my left. There was a familiar black car parked a few meters away from us and the familiar figure walked out of the car. Ariana stepped out of her car and noticed us walking shoulder-to-shoulder, but we weren't holding hands or anything.

"Hey you two," she spoke up.

"Hi," Camila and I both said simultaneously.

"You guys ready to get graduated?" she said excitedly.

"Definitely," Camila said just as energetically.

"What about you Y/n? Do you have your speech ready?" I felt more and more nervous every time someone asked me about the speech.

"Yes I do"

"Ooh, can I read it?" she got nosy.

"Y/n said that he wants everyone to hear it at the same time," Camila broke in.

"It better be something to remember Y/n," Ariana said.

"Don't worry," I assured them. We walked as a trio to the entrance of the building doing our best to find where we needed to go. The ticket master at the gate asked for our tickets. We told her that we were graduates and she just directed us in the direction we needed to go.

Did I mention Ariana's dress? God that is beautiful. Probably just as beautiful as Camila's. It really amazes me how I can choose one of the two girls to become my girlfriend. I've never been in this situation before. I remember the one time I got close to having a girlfriend, but that washed away in a matter of one day.

Sophomore year. That was the first time I thought I had a real chance of getting a girlfriend. Her name is Veronica. Veronica Mendes. The name sounds just as beautiful as she looked. She was a freshman at the time, but we were close to age so I didn't think it mattered all so much. She had nice brown hair, similar to that of Camila's and Ariana's. The first time we locked eyes with each other was in P.E. class. I stared at her for days and days and she would never notice me. Until one day, she caught me staring, but she just blew it off and didn't seem to care. Ever since that one day, she's noticed me stare at her everyday and I was too big of a pussy to go up and talk to her. All I wanted was the chance to be her boyfriend. And I was hoping that she was braver than I am. And she was.

I direct messaged her on Instagram after finding it and told her she looked cute. All she gave me was a 'thanks' and I knew from there it was a 'no'. We never spoke to each other in person until one Monday after a weekend. She messaged me after one of my posts on social media over the weekend and made small talk with me. Almost like she was flirting, but I knew that it meant nothing. Veronica asked me to say 'hi' to her when we got back to school. So the next day, I did. Nothing more than just a simple 'hello'. Then you had to go. Later that day, she asked me if she wanted to hang out the next day. Like actually hang out, walk together hang out. I've never done that before, so of course I said 'yes'. The next day of school, I went up to her and we started walking around. I remember walking side by side with her and looking to my right and looked at a pretty girl smiling at me. I've never had that experience before, and it was beautiful. She laughed at my stories, started up conversations, and we hugged each other every time we split up. I wish that every time we were together, I closed my eyes and just appreciated the moment because I my never get the chance again. But I never did. I just want to go back in time and hug her again and again. But I took it for granted.

Then we were separated from each other due to Spring Break. God dammit spring break, why did you have to show up at that time? Spring break lasts two weeks and for the first week, we were heavily engaged with each other over texting. Neither of us drove at the time, so we couldn't get around really. But we messaged each other every day as good, good friends. Friends, I hate that word because that's all we ever were. Nothing more, and I thought we had much more potential. I remember this one time she changed my contact information to "Babe" with a heart. She called me 'babe' like once or twice, but I didn't want to call her out on that so I just rolled with it. Maybe if I asked her why she was calling me 'babe', she probably would've dated me right there. But I didn't. I was too big of a pussy to ask.

You're probably wondering, how did all of this go so bad? It all started when I asked her if she wanted to hang out. My cousins were in town and they were going to go watch a movie and go to an arcade. I asked Veronica if she wanted to, but she said she wasn't feeling right. So I brushed it off. For a couple of days, we were very distant from each other, we didn't text very much only because I stopped texting her because I wanted her to text first. To test if she really wanted me. And she passed the test, but our conversations got less and less interesting. Until one Monday morning, I opened up social media and scrolled through my home. Veronica had posted something new and I opened it. My heart and world crumbled slowly. She posted an 'MCM' picture of another guy other than me. Veronica now has a boyfriend that isn't me. I fucking knew that I wasn't going to end up with her. I fucking knew it. In the back of my head for those two weeks, I had multiple doubts that this was too good to be true. And my doubts became reality.

To this day, looking back on it, this was probably the happiest I've ever been. For those two weeks of talking and texting. Even though we never held hands, it was hint of what I wanted. Hugs everyday, simple talk in person, laughing at each other's stories, liking someone that likes you back, and going on dates. Even though that last one didn't happen, it would've been nice to have. But now, I'm getting the chance with one of two girls that are just as beautiful, if not more. But god damn did I really want Veronica.

"Y/n!" Ariana woke me up from my daydream snapping her fingers.

"What happened?" I asked confused.

"We have to get ready, get dressed in your gown," she commanded.

"We have time," I whined.

"Not you, you have to get ready faster since you have a speech to recite," I got up and changed into my uniform. It felt loose and I loved the reflection in the mirror. I pulled the scrap piece of paper from by back pocket and ran through my speech one last time.

"Y/n!" a familiar voice called to me as the door opened. I looked over and noticed my best friend, Barry.

"Hey man! I feel like it's been forever," we shook hands and I scanned his body to see how he looked in his gown.

"Crazy how we're finishing high school and my best friend is the valedictorian"

"Time flies"

"Yeah it does. I just wanted to see you before we graduated"

"I appreciate you stopping by," I really did appreciate Barry coming to see me before we graduated. It wouldn't change anything if he didn't, but it's nice to know he hasn't forgotten about me.

"Alright man, good luck. And make sure my name comes out of your mouth when you're up there," he joked.

"For sure," then he walked out. After studying my script another time, I walked out into the lobby and there were lots of bodies grouped up. All of them dressed in gowns and so much commotion. I looked for two specific figures and no dice. Everyone looked so identical and I can't make out the difference between these people.

"All valedictorians follow me!" An older woman yelled out. I recognized her because she was a staff member at our school. I've never really talked to her, but I know who she is. I made my way towards her and I cut through the giant crowd. I made a few steps in and I felt a hand grab my arm.

"Good luck," she softer voice said.

"Thanks," I looked back and noticed Camila smiling at me. I smiled back and hugged her before walking with 4 other students.

A/n: Sorry for rambling with that flashback. I thought it was necessary to bring up something like this to show Y'n's past experiences with girls. That's it :)

Into You (Ariana/you/Camila)Where stories live. Discover now