Twenty Seven

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I sat on the floor crying desperate for answers. I needed someone to talk to. Not a boyfriend, a girlfriend, or my parents. A real friend. I don't have anybody to talk to because of how big of an introvert I am. I just sit at home watching movies and reading books.

As my face was in my arms I heard non-stop vibrating back at the couch. It was my phone, there were multiple messages and five missed calls. Y/n had been blowing up my phone the past half hour looking for me.

Baby: Babe you home yet?

Baby: Hello?

Baby: Camila answer me.

Baby: I'm gonna come over in the next ten minutes if you don't answer.

Me: Hey babe sorry, I was taking a nap.

Baby: Don't scare me like that.

Me: Won't happen again. I was typing and I received a face time request. Y/n's name popped up onto my screen and I picked up immediately.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey," I heard his soft voice on the other line.

"Why are you calling me?" I was confused as to why he called while we were texting.

"No reason. I just want to hear your voice and see your face"

"Awh," he knew how to get me to smile.

"Uh babe," I looked at the camera. "Why aren't you wearing a shirt?" I looked down and I saw I was sitting only with my panties on.

"Oh, I sleep naked, that's all"

"I wanna sleep with you," he joked.

"One night, we will. In a king-size bed," his face brightened up.

"What about your favorite couch?"

"I could slide past it once in a while," he looked at me and started laughing through the camera. "What's funny?"

"Nothing, it's just your smile," I failed to notice that I a soft smile came across my face after I had been crying for multiple minutes. I giggled at his comment and smiled even harder. Y/n really knew how to get me to smile and feel good, Emotionally.

That was the biggest difference between Y/n and Ariana, Y/n make me feel good physically and emotionally. Ariana had only showed me one way and yet to prove emotionally. But Ariana just felt like the easy way out. Dating your best friend seems like nothing could go wrong. Where as dating Y/n, I would have to deal with so many consequences.

"Wanna come over tomorrow babe," he spoke up.

"For what?" I asked.

"I've decided to tell my mom that I broke up with Ariana and introduce her to you. If that's ok"

"Yeah, I will. I could use you right about now," his face grew with confusion. He noticed my tear-stained cheeks and red eyes.

"What do you mean?" He looked deeper into the camera. "Have you been crying babe?"

"No, it's-," I felt tears rushing back to my eyes and the happiness I felt quickly went away.

"What's wrong? Baby, tell me what's wrong. I can't stand seeing you like this," his voice was sincere and genuinely cared for me. I knew it was just a matter time before he found out.

"If I tell you, you promise that you won't get mad?"


"Come over," his face disappeared from the camera and I heard keys jingle.

Into You (Ariana/you/Camila)Where stories live. Discover now