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It was the day of our date and I couldn't be more nervous. It dawned on me I was going to take Ariana Grande out on a date for the first time. I spent the day preparing for meeting her mom and planning what we should do after. Go to her house, maybe write some music? No, I wanna have sex with her again. I really didn't care what we did after the arcade, I just want to give and receive pleasure. I texted Ariana to finalize any of our plans,

Me: Hey babe.

Ari❤️: Heyyy.

Me: So you got the plan for tonight?

Ari❤️: Yes, you're gonna meet my mom when you pick me up and after, I will meet yours and we can go to wherever you please to take me.

Me: Ok, and btw do you wanna do anything after the date?

Ari❤️: Idk, I might be hungry afterwards ;)

Me: What?

Ari❤️: You know.

Me: Idk how to respond to that.

Ari❤️: Then just wait till tonight hun.

Me: I will wait for you babe. Hey btw make sure you wear something respectable for my mom.

Ari❤️: I know I'm not stupid.

Me: A simple 'ok' would have done.

Ari❤️: I know, I'll see you tonight babe.

Me: You too hunny.

If I wasn't in full-on hype mode for this date, I definitely am now. I didn't want to wait anymore I just wanted to get in between her legs right now and give it to her. But I know the longer I wait, the more satisfying it will be. I really wanted to pleasure her in a different way this time however. Like maybe pull a page out of Fifty Shades of Grey and tie her up or something. Would she be into that? I just want to make myself look interesting and different to Ariana so I don't look boring. You know, keep our sex lives interesting.

Later that day, I got dressed and did my hair. By doing my hair, I mean just putting some water and make it stand up a little bit. I put on a flannel with some black pants and white slip-on Vans. It looked simple, yet clean to me. I didn't want to dress in any clothes that had holes in them because I didn't know how her mom would take it. I just prayed that Ari would take the same thing into consideration when she picks out her outfit. I got ready and grabbed my keys and headed for the door. Before I left I yelled out, "Mom I'm going to pick up Ariana!"

"Ok, just make sure you come back!"

"I will!"

"And make sure you meet her mom too!" Then I shut the door. I walked over to my car and got in it. I turned on the engine and started to play some music. I made sure I had a set playlist for the car ride tonight. I pulled up to Ariana's house prepared for anything. I rang the doorbell and Ariana answered it. "Oh hey babe you're here. Come inside," I did as I was told. I walked into the living room to see another woman sitting down at the dinner table.

"Uhm, Hi M-Mrs. Grande, I'm Y/n Y/l/n.

"Hey there sweetie," she sounded like Ariana kinda. "Where are you taking my daughter tonight?"

"That's kinda of a surprise and I'm sure Ariana will tell you all about it afterwards," she looked over at Ariana and Ari nodded.

"Ever had a girlfriend before Y/n?"

"Uhh n-no"

"Just like you honey," she looked over at Ariana. "By the looks of it, it looks like you two will have a great first experience with each other"

"So do I have your blessing Mrs. Grande?" I asked for certainty.

"Please, call me Joan. And yes you do," I was internally screaming knowing that I'm one-for-one so far and the most beautiful girl on the planet's mom just gave me permission to date her daughter.

"Thanks Joan, and I promise neither you or Ariana will regret this," I look over at Ariana she looked at the ground smiling and her face started to redden. Like Camila earlier in the week when I joked around with her.

"Alright then, you two have fun tonight. And Ariana, I won't be home till tomorrow noon because of you're uncle. He's sick and I need to care for him tonight"

"Ok mom see you tomorrow then, tell him I said 'hi'," she said and we left. We were walking towards my car and I failed to recognize Ari's outfit before she got in the car. I was driving and I couldn't stop staring. She was wearing tight jeans with minimal holes which I was worried a little about, but at least they didn't show too much skin. She had a nice black crop top that showed off her shoulders and stomach. Her pants were rolled up at the ankles exposing her sexy skin. She wore makeup that made her glow up, I never seen her with this much makeup before, but I think I can get used to it. It's not like she put on so much makeup she looks like a clown, but enough to get me to drool. She also wore white slip-on Vans that I was relieved to see that we were unintentionally matching. "Great minds think alike huh?" I said to her pointing at her shoes.

"Yeah they do"

"So, you ready to meet my mom babe?"

"Of course, what could go so wrong?" In my mind, a million things could go wrong, but I decided to keep it to myself. She held my hand out of comfort and let out a sigh. "Remember what Cam said?"


"To stop overthinking everything," she said.

"Yeah, you're right, you're gonna meet my mom and she will like you"

"That's the spirit," she said then kissed my cheek. I pulled up to my driveway and put the car in park. We got out and I unlocked my front door and opened it. I heard the loud squeak my door always makes that makes my dog bark super loud. "Shut up!" I said to it trying to calm it down. My dog has never seen Ariana's face so she will bark until I grab her. "Mom!" I yelled. "Come here!" I got the dog to stop barking and she started licking Ariana's hand as she held it out. She giggled and asked, "What's her name?"

"Rose," I said.

"That's pretty"

"Like you," I tried being clever.

"Awh, she got up and pecked me on the lips. I heard footsteps coming from the hallway and there my mom stood. "Who is this?" she asked. I nudged Ari so she would speak up.

"Hi I'm Ariana Grande, your son's boyfriend"

"I figured. So tell me, why do you like Y/n?" My mom was being nosy but I knew that she was just having some fun.

"Idk actually, just something inside of him," That's a good answer.

"Well ok then, where are you guys going?" Ariana looked at me.

"Secret mom, I'll tell you when I come home," I spoke up.

"Ok be home early"

"Promise," then we walked out. I was surprised how easy this was. No longer than 10 minutes of meeting each other's parents and we have the blessings we need. We both jumped into my car and I set the destination of the arcade. "See that was easy," I said.

"Yeah, just don't overthink"

"Ok, so in 20 minutes we should be there"

"Can't wait," she said then held my hand. I turned on some sexy music for the ride, some slow, some fast to hopefully get her riled up just as much as me. She kept trying to guess where we were going and I denied every answer even if she did guess 'arcade'.

15 minutes blow by and we started to get close. "We're close babe," I said.

"Finally," she was really trying so hard to guess. She reminded me of a little kid and I thought it was the most adorable thing in the world. We turned the corner and you could see the light of the arcade flashing. "You didn't!" she gasped and formed a huge smile.

Into You (Ariana/you/Camila)Where stories live. Discover now