Twenty Five

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"Camila, tell me why you all of a sudden became 'ready,'" Y/n was getting anxious.

"I'll tell you after school, just come to my house"


"Y/n please, it's a long explanation and we need to be somewhere comfortable," I stuck out my lower lip.

"Ugh, ok fine Camila. But until then, I'm not calling you 'babe'"

"I understand," the reason I chose Y/n over Ariana is because of honesty. Y/n understands that the two partners should be honest. That's why he told me it was ok to tell Ariana that he liked me. But Ariana can't do that. She's too afraid to tell Y/n the truth. Ariana broke his heart and won't even tell him why. I can't deal with any of that.

Your POV

Camila and I finished class and I really wanted to know why she decided she's ready. Fourth period stormed around and I'm still trying to avoid Ariana. I don't want to call her my ex because I still have major feelings for her, and I'm sure she does too.

I walked into the class and saw the familiar figure sitting at the seat next to mine. What's she doing? I contemplated whether or not to sit down with her, but I feel like she's doing it for a reason. I slowly made my way to her and pulled my chair out. When she say my hand grab the chair, she looked up. "Oh hey Y/n," she smiled as if nothing happened between us.

"Uh hey Ari," I took a seat and class was underway. The whole class, Ariana and I didn't communicate very much. Just awkward air between us. I feel like she wants to say something, but can't belt it out. So I decided to do it for her. "Ariana," I spoke up.

"Yes bay-, I mean Y/n," ver voice brightened up a bit.

"Do we need to talk about something?" She took a huge gulp.

"Uh no," she said. I just want the truth out of her at this point.

"Ari," she looked back at me. "Why did you break up with me?" She just looked down. "Why can't you tell me? Is it about someone else? Did I do something?" Still no words passed through Ariana's mouth. "Well, I just felt like you should know that I'm dating Camila now, so don't feel bad for me," her face changed.

"What!?" she raised her voice. The instructor told her to lower her voice and she did.

"Why does it matter?"

"Because," a silence occurred. "Never mind," she wanted to say something, but just couldn't. I could tell. "I hope that you two are happy with each other"

"Ari," I put my hand on her shoulder and she got up and went to her old seat. I just sat in my seat wondering what it could've been.

The bell rang and Camila and I saw each other across the campus. We waved to each other and walked towards each other. We hugged for a long time and I put my chin on top of her head and squeezed. "Hey Camila"

"You're still calling me that?"

"I will be until you tell me"

"Ok then, let's go," we walked to my car and we drove to her house.

I followed behind Camila into her house and she told me to sit on the couch. "That's my couch," she told me as I sat down.

"What do you mean it's your couch?"

"That's my favorite place"

"Ok then," I got up and sat on the other couch I sat on lsat time I was here. She dropped her stuff down in her room and took a seat on the couch across from me.

Into You (Ariana/you/Camila)Where stories live. Discover now