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Today at school I planned to buy tickets for '13' ahead of time to try and surprise Ariana. I walked up to the stand out our school where they sell them, "Could I get one ticket for '13' this week?" I asked the woman behind the stand.

"Yeah, $6 please," she reached under the stand and pulled out the ticket. I handed her the money and we traded pieces of paper.

"Thank you," I said.

"Of course," I didn't realize the play would be $6. That was pretty cheap, I was expecting like $10 or more. I didn't want to go alone though, so I'm thinking that I'll ask Barry to come along.

During break, I ran into Barry, "What's up Y/n?" he said.

"Not much man, what about you?"

"Just like any other day"

"Ok then, I have a question, so I'm going to this play that Ariana is going to be in this weekend on Saturday and I was wondering if you'd tag along with me," I wasn't expecting a 'yes' since I never pictured Barry to go to plays. but worth a shot.

"Damn, Ariana acts? He asked with a surprised voice.

"Yeah. And sings. She's a really good singer and I've never seen her act before so I guess I'll find out"

"I would love to, but I have a date on Saturday and I can't let her down"

"Ok then, that's cool. I understand. I remember you understood when I first told you about Ariana"

"Thanks man," we shook hands and went our separate ways. I  asked into second period still brainstorming who I should take with me to go watch the play. Then the most perfect person came to mind. Camila. I looked to my side and I saw the small Cuban doing her work.

   I walked up to the tinier girl and spoke up, "Hey Camila"

She flashed her white smile and spoke up, "Hey Y/n"

"I wanted to ask you if you would go watch'13' with me on Saturday"

"Oh yeah, your girlfriend's play isn't that right?"

"Yes Camila"

"Yeah, I'll go with you, just gotta make sure I'm free. I'll buy my ticket either later today or tomorrow for sure"

"Ok. Thanks Camila," Did I mention I loved saying that name?

"Hey Y/n," I turned back around to face her. She leaned in and whispered. "How are those panties?" My facial expression completely changed and I was kind of embarrassed. She started laughing to make me feel a little more uncomfortable, but at least no one else heard her except me.

"Uhh, how do you know about that?"

"Chill out, Ariana told me and I'm just messing with you"

"Don't talk about it here. By the way I have it in my bag," her face glowed up.

"No way!" she whispered loudly.

"Yeah, I'm serious"

"You and Ariana are horny bunnies"

"Jealous?" I asked jokingly.

"Kinda," she started blushing.

"Well I'll see you later this week Camila" 

"You too," I wasted back to my seat making sure nobody heard our conversation. Later during class, I called Camila to get her attention and she looked over. I grabbed my bag and opened it and put on top of my desk so I had easy access. I made sure no one was looking and I quickly flashed Ariana's panties. She put her hand over her mouth and started laughing super hard. She mouthed to me, "You're crazy"

I mouthed back, "I know"

We both walked out of that class side by side and had a small conversation. "So I guess I'll see you tomorrow Y/n?" she said.

"Yeah, then Saturday"

"Yeah," she quickly held my hand, said goodbye, released it, and walked the other way. I know it meant nothing, kind of like what Ariana did to me before we started dating, but it felt super nice and friendly for Camila to do that. 

  2 hours later and third period had just ended. That class was US Government and I didn't like it because it was a roadblock for me to get to fourth period. Speaking of fourth period, I walked in and oddly, I didn't see Ariana in the seat next to mine. I just walked over and sat down in my usual seat and stared at the door waiting for her. Finally, she walked in and had a disturbed look on her face. She quickly made her way to me and sat down. She immediately hit my arm, "Ow, what was that for babe?"

"Why did you bring them?" Why did Camila tell her?

"Did Camila tell you?"

"Not the point, why did you bring them? You know how embarrassing it would be if someone found out?"

"I never really thought about that Ari. I just wanted something to remind myself about you, it was a selfish decision"

"Give them to me, you lost them till next time"

"Ugh," I reached into my bag and as I pulled them out, she stopped me. She opened up her bag and put the opening right next to my bag's opening. I quickly slid the panties in and she dropped her bag and did her work. The air between us felt dull so I had to surprise her.

"Look babe," I waved the piece of paper in front of her.

"You got them!" she sounded excited.

"Of course, I would never miss your play"

"Awh, so sweet," she rested her head against my shoulder and held my hand. 

"I'm going go with Camila so that I'm not alone"

"Ok, just make sure nothing happens between you two"

"Nothing will happen. Promise," she held out her left pinky and I just rolled with it. Don't tell Ariana, but I totally wouldn't mind if something happened between Camila and me. Not that I would leave Ari for Camila, but if for any reason Ari and I split up, I want Camila to be my next girlfriend. Before any other person can get to her.

   The school day ended and Ariana asked me for a ride home and I didn't mind. It was just another reason to see Arian's face for a few more minutes. I parked in front of her driveway and spoke up, "Could I have them back?" I asked as I pointed to her bag.

"No honey, I have to teach you a lesson"

"I can't wait to teach you a lesson baby"

"Can't wait for that"

"Ok then, could I just have one more smell?" She opened up her bag wide and told me to put my head right next to the opening where the panties were in. I took one long, huge whiff, "God that never gets old"

"Don't be so horny babe"

"Well, when you give me your used panties to smell, I can't help but to feel horny"

"Then you're gonna have to wait till next time to get some," she spread her legs slightly and lightly rubbed her pussy while licking her lips.

"Stop," I said frustratingly, "I'm getting hard right now babe"

She just laughed it off, "I'll see you soon. Text me," she opened the door and got out and blew me a kiss.

   A/n: Sorry if this chapter seems shorter or moves too fast, WattPad isn't saving my story and this is the third time I had to re-type this. If you follow this story, please recheck the description of this story. I felt like in order for this story to have a conflict, this had to happen. Plus, I bet you guys wouldn't mind seeing some Camila smut. :)

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