Chapter 24: July

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After making sure Kris took his medicine, Amber told him to sleep and stood up to leave.

'Amber,' Kris called. 'Just...sleep here, you know, I won't eat you.'

Amber smiled at their inside joke. Kris looked at her hopefully, adding, "I don't like sleeping alone...Never liked to."

'Okay,' she finally said, "but I'll brush my teeth then come back, okay?"

"Okay," he smiled.

Amber went back to her room and while brushing her teeth, she stared at her reflection in the mirror, thinking about how long since she had last seen Kris grin, showing all two rows of his white teeth.

The face of the man who always looked more matured than his personality projected itself in Amber's mind, and all of a sudden she felt her heart throb. After not having any contact with him for two years, after unfollowing him on all social media, after removing all his photos from her phone and keeping them in her Recycle Bin (now she wouldn't have the heart to really delete them), she still felt something for him. The image in Amber's mind travelled downwards, away from the anime-like features on Kris' face, down to his bare chest and his belly that was covered with abs-in-progress. Did she really take off his clothes and ran a towel all over his body? Now that she thought about it, it was a rather odd desicion, wasn't it?

"No! I was just following the instructions on Google! He was having high fever! It's not like I'm a perv-" Amber stopped herself when she realised she was shouting at her own reflection. "Darn it."

After she was done, she took a pillow and her room card then returned to the room next door. She checked Kris' temperature, found it satisfying, and crawled onto bed.

"Your temperature dropped back to normal, and you've finished the Panadols, so we'll see how it turns out tomorrow."

"Thank you," Kris said again as he took the other side of the bed. Something reminded Kris of that night when Amber took away his first kiss while she was drunk. But he decided to keep that little memory to himself.

"Goodnight," said Amber while she turned off the bedside lamps.

"Goodnight." Kris took a deep breath and said quietly in the dark, "I love you Amber."

There was nothing but silence. Kris covered his face in embarrassment under the covers.

"What? I can't hear you," Amber moved closer to him.

"D-don't come so near, die-I might die of, of, of heart attack." Words spluttered out Kris' mouth.

"Okay, I love you too." She laughed, turning her back at him. "Just don't fall in love with me."

"Shit," said Kris.



"Kris, language," Amber chided, not really sure what to say.

"Sorry, Mum," Kris said to her back. Amber laughed, Kris' answer still ringing in her ear. 'Shit', he had said. Kris...likes me?

After a while, Kris called again, "Amber?"

Amber turned around, guessing what was next. A confession? A hug? At least...a kiss on the forehead? 

"Do you know my mum only beaten me once in my whole life?" Oh snap out of it Amber.

"Why?" Amber asked while she arranged her hair on the pillow.

"Because I cursed," came Kris' voice in the dark.

"I never curse in front of my mum too," Amber said. "Although there was this one time when I was in sixth grade..."

Two years of being apart seemed like forever. Amber and Kris talked and talked. Kris didn't know how, but he managed to stay up all night talking to her. Amber tired from all the trouble caused by Kris' fever, fell asleep mid-conversation.

"Speaking of Eric...Are you dating him? I'm not trying to be a busybody know, I'm not trying to interfere or what, just asking. Cause the other day I saw you and Eric at Kcon-I mean I watched some fancam-Uh I-Yeah I was there I didn't come to say hi because um...Amber? Amber...?"

Amber did not reply. Her voice was replaced with a calming sound of her quiet breathing. Kris decided to move a little closer to her.

Amber suddenly wrapped her arms around Kris, pulling him near to her. Kris froze, thinking he had woken her up. Amber lifted her legs and intertwined them around Kris' like he was a bolster.

Kris decided she won't be waking up for a while, so moved his head over to her pillow and closed his eyes in her embrace. He did not realise how worn out he was until then - he went out like a light almost at once.


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All of Amber's sleepiness was shaken out of her when she woke up to Kris' face literally two centimetres away. (She would later on recap the incident in her diary as 'waking up to his face within kissing distance! omg!') She shrank her head into her neck like a tortoise, creating layers of double chin. Then she noticed that Kris was in her arms – and legs, of which she quickly let go.

The room was getting brighter with the first golden rays from the sun shining in. Amber checked her watch for the time – it was only seven, she still had loads of time before flying back to Korea. She placed her watch on the bedside table and studied Kris' face. Her heart fluttered like a butterfly in her mother's garden. She had never really looked at him that closely before. His eyes, nose, lips, the tiny bits of facial hair that escaped his razor blade... Unlike Henry, Kris did not snore when he slept. Instead he breathed like a baby. Amber moved a little closer to him, making their noses touch. She pulled away almost at once because she was scared he would wake up.

What is wrong with me?

Amber stretched and yawned. Smelling her own bad breath, she wrinkled her nose and decided to return to her room to wash up.

Not long after, Kris woke up too. When Kris found that Amber was not by his side, he sat up to look around. Her shoes were gone – she must have returned to her room. Kris sighed, closing his eyes again, hoping to return to his dream where Amber for some reason held their noses close. It had felt so real.


HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS! 2018! FIRST CHAPTER OF THE YEAR, FINALLY!! Sorry for that little prank haha ^^ anyways hope u enjoyed it X

^ talking till the morning we dont need any sleep i hate it when u go to work

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