18| dem feels

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It was super late now.


Jungkook and Taehyung sat alone on the kids playground at the park.

Jimin had left first. Then Yoongi. Then Hoseok, Namjoon and Jin.

Jungkook and Taehyung would have left with them, apart from the fact that they lived in the opposite direction, And had to pass Jaehyun's house to get home.

"I wanna go home and sleep", Taehyung whined, "But i dont wanna go pass, theyre probably still there ready to beat us to a pulp"

"Pftt dont be such a wuss", Jungkook huffed, trying to hide his smile.

After a while Taehyung stood up, climbing onto the roof of the slide, wobbling.

"Careful", Jungkook said, grabbing his hand and stabling him.

"T-thanks", Taehyung found himself stuttering, ignoring the fluttering feeling in his chest, then he gingerly pulled away from Jungkook's grip and slid down the roof of the slide on his stomach, his arms wrapped it. At the bottom, he tilted to the side, falling off.

Jungkook laughed, jumping off the frame of the playground and sitting on the ground with Taehyung.

Taehyung's heart started beating faster. He quickly shook it off. He had been talking normally to Jungkook for 2 weeks already, why was his heart deciding to act up now?!

"We should probably go home now", Taehyung hastily stood up. Jungkook did too, "Lets just sprint past Jaehyun's house"

Jungkook laughed again.

Taehyung examined Jungkook's face.


He already knew that Jungkook looked hella good, but he looked even better. Especially under the moonlight.

And his laugh was heavenly.

Taehyung mentally kicked himself for thinking such cringy thoughts.

Its true though, He thought again.

"Taehyung?" , Jungkook interrupted his thinking.

Taehyung tried to stop himself from flushing, ah shit I better not have said any of that out loud.


"Lets go", Jungkook said, "W-wait, unless you dont want to"

Taehyung didn't want to. He wanted to stay alone with Jungkook, but instead he nodded, "Yeah lets go"

[a/n: short vkook chapter coz i realised i haven't really added enough (actually not at all) in. I was trying take it slow but then i realised this was the 18th chapter and i was like shIT tOo SLOW TOO SLoW ABORT MISSION. But yeah vkook is (obviously) a big part of the story so thats gonna be in this of course... uhm yeah hopefully it isnt happening too late and... yeah this story isnt near the end so i guess its not too bad.. might go back through the chapters and add subtle vkook moments for future readers :) ]

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