67| gunshot love

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Gasps wavered across the room.

"What is this fuckery?" Some old women exclaimed.

"That's right bitches we object", Hoseok said again, loudly. He and Yoongi stood confidently at the start of the alter, With Jungkook cowarding behind them.

Another gasp wavered across the room.

"Bitches?", the old women repeated.

"bitches" Yoongi confirmed.

silence consumed the room, Until the priest awkwardly cleared his throat.

"So are you guys gonna tell us why you object or can I carry on?", he said.

"Wait wait wait, say the line", Yoongi demanded.

the priest shot him an annoyed look.

"Say. the. line." Yoongi repeated.

Taehyung couldn't believe what was happening. he tried to make eye contact with Jungkook but Jungkook was too busy hiding behind Yoongi and Hoseok.

Jungkook felt extremely stupid right now. He was so ready to walk in and just tell him he loved him, But as soon as they got here all attention was on them, obviously, and he couldn't help but feel timid.

And Sohee also felt stupid. She felt ridiculous standing next to taehyung in her big white dress, and clutching her bouquet of roses.

"If anyone objects, Speak now or forever hold your peace", The priest droned.

"WE OBJECT" Yoongi and Hoseok yelled out in sync.

"I KNOW" the priest yelled back.

Jin and Namjoon, who sat upfront, turned their heads to look at each other.

A small smirk played on Jin's lips, and if you looked closely you could see a flash of a smile flicker across Namjoons face too. Until his eyes caught sight of the enraged look his dad was giving him.

Jimin suddenly yawned, waking up from his half nap that he had decided to take when he decided he didn't want to witness one of his best friends marry someone he doesn't love. He knew he needed to be there for Taehyung, but he didn't need to be awake for it, right?

He stretched his arms, looking around the room wondering why it was so silent.

oh shit is that Yoongi? what's he doing here?

"Hi Yoongi!", Jimin called out, waving.

Suddenly Jungkook stepped forward and spoke for the first time. Hoseok and Yoongi held their breaths, expecting him to express his love for Taehyung and bring a stop to the wedding, But instead Jungkook turned to the priest.

"Wait so if we object does that mean they can't get married?", He asked.

"Only if it's a legal reason", the priest responded.

Yoongi's face lit up, and he pushed past Jungkook, "Oh ok, We object because this is a forced married which Taehyungs being forced into because the uncle of the brides threatening to kill him and the boy he loves"

"Sounds perfectly legal to me", The priest smirked.


Suddenly the doors burst open again, and 3 figures ran in.

"Yo have you stopped the wedding yet?" Jae panted, The twins standing next to him.

"Not yet", Yoongi said sourly.

Namjoon stood up, and pointed towards Jae and the twins, "Wait a second, why aren't you guys tied to the strip pole?"

"Things are gonna change around here", Hoseok said, his noses in the air trying to act all high and mighty. Not that he knew how things were going to change, He just knew that Yoongi had some sort of plan.

"Oh yeah, and how exactly is that gonna happen?" Some random said from the audience.

"You know what, Its none of your business. this is between us and them. Who even are you? Are you even part of this gang? in fact why are there so many people here I mean i know the gangs huge apparently but I thought there'd be more important things to do than watching two 18 year olds being forced to get married", Yoongi snapped.

Suddenly, Everyone in the room started arguing.

Namjoons dad was even arguing with Namjoon.

At the front of the alter, Taehyung turned towards Sohee. He didn't really know what to say. Should he say sorry? But he wasn't really sorry. in a way he's glad their marriage is being delayed, even just by an hour. he's sure she was too.

He and Sohee just awkwardly looked at each other, Until small laughs started to escape from both of them.

"Hang on hang on, what are you guys laughing at?" Yoongi(Who was in the middle of arguing with some old man) said and he walked towards the front, "This isn't even funny, this is serious, ok?"

"Yes yes, no I understand this is very serious" Sohee said through laughs, "In fact I don't know why I'm laughing, maybe this is a defense mechanism"

"No, I don't think anyone in this room quite understands how serious this is, You see, This guy over here"-"Yoongi gestured towards Jungkook, who had just been arguing with Jae,"-Is the key to ending this shitty excuse of a wedding. So there. That's it. That was what I needed to say. Jungkook, do your thing"

All eyes turned towards Jungkook. He gulped. He felt like he couldn't speak, like if he tried to he would choke on his own voice. But then his eyes landed on Taehyung, and he felt his heart speed up.

He can't mess this up.

So he pushed past the choking feeling in his throat. He locked eyes with Taehyung, who was smiling sadly at him. And he let his mouth open and pour out what hes wanted to say for the past few days.

"Taehyung. I-I love you. There I said it", He shot a look towards Yoongi and Hoseok, before moving his eyes back to Taehyung and his face softened,

he continued, "I love you and I can't let you go through with this. Don't you understand? I can't be apart from you for 2 whole years, without any communication, knowing you're married to some girl who you don't even love. 2 years is a long time and I honestly can't wait that long without going crazy"

As he went on he felt like he was falling forward deeper and deeper into Taehyungs eye, "-I know it's selfish and that I should be telling you that I'll wait for you forever and that when you finally come back we can go skipping off into the sunset towards our diamond castle, but this is the truth. If you go through with this marriage, when you come back you'll probably find me in a mental hospital"

He took in another breath,

"-Taehyung, I love you and I'm going to do anything it takes, we can run away. I know you don't want to put me in danger but I honestly don't care we can go to LA or something. Ok well not LA because i just said it in front of the people who would probably try kill us, but you get what I mean. Please don't do this to me Taehyung, don't do this to yourself"

And all Taehyung had time to do was let a tear spill out from his eyes.

for suddenly, A gun shot was heard, slicing through the silence in the room before anyone could react to Jungkooks long ass speech.

Namjoons dad collapsed to the floor, and out of his hands fell a gun, but not the gun that had just made the sound. It was a gun he had been pulling out, as he crept towards Jungkook. His head rolled to the side and his eyes stared at the person who had just shot him.

Yoongi stared back, not an inch of remorse showing on his face.

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