The Good Christmas - Part 5: Snow

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She zipped up her bag and ran with it on her back. Shaun started running behind her, towards the exit. Dr. Browne quickly dodged Dr. Kalu, and Shaun ran past him.

"Guys! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Shaun heard behind him. He ignored him and stopped beside Dr.Browne, who was placing her bag beside the door.

"Alright, Shaun! Let's go!" Dr. Browne said, excited. Shaun stood in front of the automatic doors and ran out of the hospital.

Shaun jumped and flopped into a big pile of snow. This left Dr. Browne in a fit of hysterics. Shaun pushed himself up and ran around, putting his arms out like an airplane. Dr. Browne joined in and started making snowballs.

"Oh, my...Claire...What is going on...?" Dr. Kalu asked, walking out of the hospital to his girlfriend and her friend acting like hooligans outside the hospital.

"Heads up!" Shaun yelled, throwing one of Dr. Browne's snowballs at him. Dr. Kalu ran out of the way and managed to dodge the snowball.
"HEY!" Dr. Kalu yelled, grabbing a bunch of snow and making a snowball. He threw it and managed to hit Shaun's leg. Dr. Browne threw one of her snowballs at Dr. Kalu as revenge and hit him on the side of the head. As soon as Dr. Kalu felt the snowball on his head, his mind snapped into aggressive mode.

"Oh...It's on." Dr. Kalu said and grabbed a big pile of snow. Dr. Browne noticed the mental change and pushed Shaun out of the way of a bullet-fast snowball that was heading his way. Shaun didn't see the snowball heading his way, so he thought that Dr. Browne pushed him for fun. As revenge, Shaun lightly pushed her back, into the same pile of snow he fell into previously.

"Haha! Hey!" Dr. Browne reacted, attempting to push herself out of the snow pile. As soon as she got to her feet, she was bodychecked back into the pile by Dr. Kalu.

"AAH! JARED!" Dr. Browne screamed as he trapped her. Shaun looked up at the window and noticed Dr. Melendez talking to someone.

"Dr. Melendez should be out here." Shaun thought and made a snowball.


"I get that the hospital is inactive right now, but you never know if the hospital decides 'hey! I'm gonna be active!'." Dr. Glassman argued.

"I know, but it's Christmas! We all deserve to be cut some slack sometimes, especially during th holidays." Dr. Melendez replied.

"Still, you should consider the big possibilities before you decide to just let half of the staff leave early." Dr. Glassman added.

"Okay. I will next time." Dr. Melendez compromised and grabbed his coat by the window.


"AAH!" Dr. Melendez shouted, dropping his coat and staring at a suddenly smashed snowball.

"Whoa! You okay? What was that?" Dr. Glassman asked.

"Some idiot threw a snowball at the window!" Dr. Melendez yelled, looking through another part of the window. He noticed that Dr. Browne, Dr. Murphy, and Dr. Kalu were outside, throwing snowballs and jumping around. He watched Dr. Browne walk up to Dr. Murphy, who was making a snowball. They conversed for a minute, and Dr. Browne smiled and bent herself down to make a snowball too. Dr. Melendez suddenly closed his eyes, to brace for the snowball that was about to hit the window.


Surprisingly, two snowballs slammed against the other side of the glass. Dr. Melendez crossed his arms and shook his head, attempting to give the two troublemakers a traditional I-am-disappointed-in-you face. Unfortunately, they didn't translate the body language and soon, Dr. Kalu joined in trying to get his attention.

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