Warrior Wife (Hajime x Reader)

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Request: blueroselianasaito
Genre: romance

Your name: (y/n)
Last name: (l/n)
Hair color: (h/c)
Hair length: (h/l)
Eyes color: (e/c)

(Saito POV)
He passed through a corridor void of any beings and the only sounds came from his vestige footfall. His beryl-tone head bowed low in silent concentration when Saito Hajime overhead hushed voices.

He paused to eavesdrop on the conversations between two soldiers, the topic concerned of a woman who once grazed this headquarters. A furrowed frown between his eyebrows.

" ... She was known to be fierce," the first soldier commented.

"Really? But a female soldier?" his partner replied in a disbelief tone.

"I'm telling the truth, but she isn't part of the shinsengumi any longer," the first soldier shrugged his shoulders.

"What happened to her?" the other speculated.

"She got married to me," Hajime stepped out of the shadow to bestow a fiendish glower. "Just like fishermen wives, gossiping behind your captain's back."

"S-sorry, captain!" both yelped in fright.

"As severe punishment, the hours for guarding post have been tallied up and no rest for today," Hajime ordered them in a lethal voice. "Get out or I change my mind for a harsher penance."

"H-hai!" the two of them bowed low.

Hajime rolled his eyes yet resumed his walk, (l/n) (y/n) was a respectable soldier; the young female had to fight for the men's acknowledgement. But, (y/n) had succeeded and Hajime had fallen for her integrity.

But Hajime figured the reason for his possession, the soldiers had eyes on (y/n). Before they became a couple, he observed the girl surrounded by other cocky fools. Of course, at that moment Hajime realized he had feelings for her.

Crazy bastards, he fumed inwardly.

He had the last laugh when (y/n) finally caved in to his covert woos taught by Sanosuke and Hijikata. Because Hajime was a little rusty in that department thus seeking knowledge from his peers. When the commander of shinsengumi had given blessings, they finally tied the knot.

Their home was not too far from the headquarters, he chose to reside somewhere close. A smile lit his expression at the thought that he had tied the knot with a warrior. Unlike other females, (y/n) was strong and able to defeat her opponent without severe damage.

"Thinking about your wife, Saito kun?" Hijikata's voice changed the musing male's focus.

"Yes, vice commander," Hajime paused to show respect. "She has sent regards to everyone."

"Tell (y/n) to visit us some time," Hijikata reciprocated a smile.

"She will after the birth of our first child," Hajime explained with a faint blush.

"I cannot believe our third captain will be a father," Hijikata exhaled in wonder. "But I'm happy for the both of you."

"Thank you," Hajime bowed his head. "Maybe, I can accompany her to drop by, perhaps tomorrow."

Hijikata nodded with a faint smile before he sauntered off, while Hajime gaze up at the baby blue sky. He yearned to be by his wife's side when a thought came across.

Maybe I'll drop by the house later, he mused.

As of now, he had to focus on his work since it was his shift to patrol the streets. Hajime strolled for his quarter when a faint memory flirts; the two of them had shared their first kiss in his room.

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