Crush On You (Harada x Reader)

751 13 3

Request: Siri
Genre: Fluff (AU)

Your name - (Y/n)
Hair length - (H/l)
Hair colour - (H/c)
Eyes colour - (e/c)

(Reader's POV)
You worked at a classy café after your university classes ended, as a form to accommodate the living expenses; fitted in a starched long-sleeved shirt paired off with black slacks and shoes. Your (h/l) (h/c) mane tucked nicely to present a smart outlook.

A week of working as a waitress almost had your knees breaking in half from constantly standing for ten hours, yet, you chose not to complain. Grateful to your childhood friend who secured this job on your behalf meanwhile, your (e c) orbs searched for the said person.

Beautiful crimson shade shone under the bright sunlight filtering from the wide window. Sanosuke Harada was busy serving afternoon lunch during rush hour; he worked flawlessly in the meantime, you had several mishaps resulting in manning the front cashier by strict command of your manager.

Dampened spirit, you sighed forlornly when someone tapped on the top of your head lightly, you peeked at the smiling figure his Golden hued eyes observing you with concerned. The two of you happened to be attending the same university although in a different section.

"You okay?" he paused by the counter.

"Of course," you bestowed the male a toothy smile.

"We'll have our break soon," Harada encouraged you. "Keep up the good work, (Y/n)."

"You too, Harada," you nodded once watching his retreating back.

But the other was clueless about your feelings towards him; love. You sighed inwardly, Harada was popular amongst the women and a huge flirt but the guy hadn't approached you in that manner. He respected the boundary as well as your friendship, not too long ago, you were fine with the idea whereas now, your heart experiences heaviness.

"... cuse me..."

You were deep in thought unaware of a customer garnering your attention just then, Harada walks up and his baritone voice startles you to the present. Your (e/c) orbs darts at the peeved individual who shoved a debit card into the male's hand.

"(Y/n), what are you doing?" he frowns in consternation.

"I-I'm sorry!" you stammered in reply but witnessed his irritation.

"Stop daydreaming and concentrate on your work," Harada reprimanded you.

Tears threatened to fall and that pretty lady on the opposite side of the counter had to ruin your day with her scathing remark. Her high pitched voice sooner or later garnered the manager's focus; he strode forward and listened in to the commotion.

"Your cashier is doing a terrible job!" she jabs a finger at your direction.

"I've apologized earlier to you!" your temper was rising a little.

"(L/n)-san, please keep quiet and allow the customer to give her feedback," he warned you.

Too late, your eyes gingerly drifted to gauge Harada's blank expression but you had an inkling the male was not pleased by your terrible job. All of a sudden, he jerked that molten amber gaze on you and your heart caved in by the disappointment weighing in his orbs.

During the lunch break, you chose to spend the remaining minutes sobbing in the cubicle. The image ingrained in your brain; Harada was busy working while you decided to daydream and make matters worse. The waitress job was tough, you had trouble the whole week either forgetting the orders or messing up. The complexity of being witnessed by your good friend evoked a keening sound.

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