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ah yes

it's that time of year again.

now, beings that i am both unemployed and broke at the moment, i decided the best christmas present this year to my mother and father would be drawings, and i'm saying this as if i haven't been busting my wrist every christmas eve trying to draw out intricate and original pieces for the last sixteen years

hi i'm both unemployed and broke

it's the thought that counts right?

( merry semi-colon !!to: mumfrom: your friendly neighborhood homosexual )

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( merry semi-colon !!
to: mum
from: your friendly neighborhood homosexual )

( merry semi-colon !!to: mumfrom: your friendly neighborhood homosexual )

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( merry chrysler

to: dad
from: y'boy )

so yeah, that's pretty much it. what'd y'all get/give for christmas?

also, happy holidays to those that celebrate it, and to those who don't- happy "get free shit without question" day.

wishing you all the best of luck the rest of the year ((:

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2017 ⏰

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