Chapter 3

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Emma's POV

Niall brought us into the kitchen and pulled Mona and I on dining chairs. He ties us up and goes upstairs to check up on Liam.

"What exactly did you do to Liam?" She giggled. "Im shocked he's not out here by now."

"I kinda smashed a glass cup on his head and knocked him out..."

Mona started cracking up and couldn't stop.

"Emma that's a good idea, all I did to Niall was kick him in the-"

"Enough Mo!" Niall joined in coming into the room. "Looks like Liam will be out for a couple of hours so I have to baby sit! Ms. Smash glass on people heads and Ms. Kick guy's crotch." He huffed

"You dont have to. When you think of it you dont have to do anything."

"Dont get smart with me Mona!" Niall yelled obviously annoyed.

Niall got up and left the room for a few seconds then came back and untied Mona, grabbed her and pulled her back up stairs.

Monas POV

Niall pushed me back in the room once again. This time he locked the door and slammed me on the floor. He got tape out of his dresser and taped my legs together and picked me up and dropped me on the bed.

"Niall... what are you doing. I thought I was suppost to be Zayn's."

"You are, but I think he should share." He smirked

"I dont." I mumbled.

He went on top of me and started kissing me.

"Kiss back!" He demanded.

It was really uncomfortable. It didnt help that my legs were tied together really tight. I felt like a caterpillar.

"You thirsty, damn I think you need a glass of water." \_/

"Mona! God damn it!" He groans and pulls away, getting off of me.

"Thank god you're off of me. Your were stabbing me with your bones."

"You're so dificult!"

He goes to his dresser and pulls out scissors. Suddenly we hear a car pull up into the driveway. Nial runs downstairs. I hear Zayn, Harry, and Louis walk in minutes after.

I hear talking downstairs then Niall walks back upstairs and quickly cuts the ducktape off. Right when he cut off the tape and threw it away Zayn walked in.

I looked at Niall then at Zayn, realizing Zayn is complety oblivious to everything.

"Hey babe, we came back early, the party wasn't that fun."

I looked at Niall and did a devilish smirk. This was going to be fun.

Emmas POV

Niall rushes down from upstairs as I hear the car pull up in the driveway. He quickly unties me and hides the rope. The door handle turns and Harry, Zayn, and Louis walk in.

"Party sucked!" Louis said disappointed.

Louis left and started walking back upstairs.

"Wheres Liam?" Harry asked me while putting his arm around me and kissing me on the cheek.

"He took a nap." I said. It wasnt a total lie.

"Oh guys I'm going to check on Mona be right back." Zayn says walking upstairs.

Minutes later all three of them come downstairs and join us. I looked at Monas face and she had that look she gets when she has a devilish plan. She glances over at me and gives me a 'We need to talk I have a plan' look. I smile at her and nod.

"Harry, babe." Saying babe makes me want to puke but I had to keep up the act.

Harry looked shocked at me not expecting me to say "Babe".

"Yes love." He smirked.

"Can I go to my room with Mona so we can hang out alone?"

"Psst... why are you asking him he's not your boss.." Mona mumbled under her breath. I think only I heard it

"I guess. I will check up on you two later have fun love" Harry takes his arm off of me.

Mona and I walk upstairs casually and go into an empty room.

"We have some dirt against Liam and Niall." Mona smiled her famous evil smile. "Zayn doesn't know Niall kissed me and Harry doesn't know that Liam did whatever he did with you."

"Maybe they do and if they don't, then they probably wont care." I shrugged.

"Thats what I thought until I saw Niall rush to put everything back in it's place like nothing happened. Then when Zayn walked into the room he had a guilty look and when he seen me look at him he silently pleaded to not tell Zayn. It was so pathetic." She laughed really hard.

"So. We have something to black mail them with thats great. I have a plan. We should tell them then-"

"Before we tell them can we at least torture them with the information first?"

"Mona! This isn't a game we have been freaking kidnapped! And you need to stop showing attitude and get as close to Zayn as you can. Get him to fall more deeply in love with you. Then I will do the same then we will tell them what they did, once we tell them they will split apart and no longer be friends then we will only have to deal with thoes three , then it will be easier to escape." I explained

"What will we do after they stop being friends and Niall and Liam move out? Theres still one more of them than us."

"We will figure it out later but in the mean time stick with plan A. got it!?"

"Fine. Its going to be hard for me to be nice though." She smirked.

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