Chapter 17

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Monas POV

I walk into the room andd Zayn is walking back and fourth. His feet are hitting the floor so hard when he stomps it feels like he is causing an earthquake. He doesnt even acknowledge my presence.

“Zayn..." He doesnt respond just keeps pacing back and fourth.

“Zayn!" I yell and still dont get his attention. I sigh and walk in his way. He stops in front of me and glares at me.

“Nice to see you to." I laugh nervously and scratch the back of my neck. Zayn doesnt stop glaring at me.

“What?" I move away from him and sit on the bed. He is mad at me for making a brilliant plan to save us? Zayn is to ignorant to realize how smart the plan is considering Niall and Liam are stupid imbeciles.

“Your plan wont work, I dont want to risk losing you." Zayn stopped looking at me and continued to pace around the room again.

“I think you need to see the doctor so they can prescribe you some chill pills and check you for any disorders that you may have." I laughed at my comment. Zayn looked at me with a furious face, I instantly stopped laughing.

"Mona I am being serious! What if they take you and disappear forever?" Zayn came to me.

“Then we will be gone forever, duh." I laughed again, I couldnt help it.

“MONA!" Zayn yelled which caught me off guard.

“ZAYN!" I yelled back.

“I dont see why I even try." Zayn turned and left the room and slammed the door shut. I heard the door lock.

I jumped off the bed and ran to the door and turned the handle, it was locked.

“Baby come back, you can blame it all on me!" I yelled/sang the song, but there was no answer. Time to be bored to death. YAY!

Emmas POV

Since  Mona left I might as well go back to my room. I walked back to the room and lay on the bed staring at the wall. I need stuff to do here,  it is so boring.

It feels like hours before Harry walks into the room, he had a weird look I dont know what it was.

“We are deciding to give Liam and Niall another chance they are moving here again and we are going to split you guys with them fifty-fifty." This isn't real it can't be. How can Harry do this to me to us. I felt a tear form in my eye but I blinked it away. In felt betrayed. I thought I could trust Harry and he actually cared for me.

“Babe, you alright?" How dare he act like its OK to do this.

“Dont call me that!" I screamed and got up off the bed.

“I have been nothing but understanding to you and forgave you for kidnapping me and taking away my family and friends, but this I cannot understand and I will not forgive. I know they were your friends but they are not anymore. And to think that you cared for me and then you do this, I guess I was to incognizant of your ways to realize I made a big mistake of trusting you. I will never make that mistake again." I could tell my words stung Harry.

“In awhile you will understand Emma." Harry mumbled.

“Whats that supposed to mean? Do you think I will understand everything you do? Do you think you can just walk all over me and get away with it? Trust me Harry, I may not be as strong as you but I am very intelligent and I will find a way out, and thats a promise." I lay back on the bed and Harry leaves the room and locks the door.

Once he left I let my tears spill and cried myself to sleep. How could I be so stupid and fall for my kidnapper?


“Emma wake up." Someone was poking my cheek.

“Leave me alone." I swiched from my right side to my left. Then something or someone jumped on me. I opened my eyes amd saw Mona.

“Em." Mona laughed. She shook me, now im awake.

“What do you want?" I pushed her away from me and sat up.

“Zayn locked me in the room and he is upset with me god knows why, so I am thinking of revenge." Mona gives me her devious smile that scares me.

“Did they tell you about Niall and Liam?" I ask her.

“Yeah...don't worry if they come for us aim for the balls." Mona jokes and makes me laugh with her.

“Mona we need to plan something to escape from here soon, I want to see my family and I am sure you want to see your boyfriend."

“If we want to escape we have to get on everyones good side and make them trust us. Start by that."

“Lets do it!" I say enthusiastically. Mona nods and gets off of the bed amd walks to the door.

“We can start now." She opens the door and leaves the room having the door open for me.

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