Chapter 10

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Emma's POV

"Liam! Get off of me!" I screamed as his lips sucked on my neck.

"You're so hot." He whispered.

How the heck am I supposed to get him off of me? He's so heavy!

Lets use something out of the best friends handbook. Pretend I like this and take control. He finds my soft spot and I let out a moan. What. The. Hell. He chuckles and comes to my lips. I kiss back running my fingers through his hair. He stiffens and looks at me.

"What are you doing?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"You." I smirk pushing him and getting on top.

"This just became a million times better." He winks "I'm better than Harry aren't I?"

"Shut up." I say and kiss him. I grind my hips on his crotch and he moans. Great. I quickly stand up and hit him in his balls.

"Fuck!" He yelps.

"That's what you get, asshole." I growl walking toward the door.

I hear him cock something and my whole body stiffens. No no no.

"Come here now." He commands.

I run to the door and the next thing I know he pulls the trigger and i'm shot in my leg. I scream in pain, holding on my leg as blood comes gushing out.

Liam stands up, limping towards me. Loser.

"Liam." I choke "please don't hurt me."

He smirks. "Is Emma begging? Cute."

The door swings open hitting me on the head.

"Oh my god!" Zayn shouts coming toward me. "Emma are you alright?" He asks

"H-he R-raped me." I cry.

"He did what?" He yells facing Liam now. "Harry is going to beat the fuck out of you!"

Liam's eyes widen as he backs up.

"Zayn, I did- didn't, she's lying!" He shouts.

"Fuck this!" He yells socking Liam in the jaw.

Louis walks to me Examining my leg. "I'm going to take you back to our place, to patch you up alright?"

"Hospital?" I frown.

"We can't that's to risky." He picks me up bridal style taking me away from the room.

"W-where's Mona?" I ask.

"Don't know yet."

Mona's POV

I jumped up from a loud gunshot. I look around the room to find Niall pacing back and forth.


"Mona!Thank god you're awake." He sighs grabbing my arm.

"What was that sound? Where are we going? " I ask.

"Shut up!" He snaps walking out the room. "We have to go."

He drags me to a basement and I plant my feet to the ground.

"No," I muttered "I-I-"

"Mona, let's go."

"Niall, I don't want to, t-he dark." I stutter thinking of memories.

"I'm here to protect you." He assures and I coldly laugh.

"Protect me? From what? This is ridiculous! Let me go!" I yell pulling my hand away but he's to strong.

"Mona, fuck! Come on!" He shouts pulling me down the stairs.

"NO!" I scream.

His hand meets my face and I glare at him "Shut the hell up! Lets go!" He growls.

"I hate you!" I yell.

"Niall." We hear a voice say and our heads snap to the door.

Thank god.

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