Chapter 13

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Emmas POV

Harry hasn't quit on banging on the door he doesn't get that I want to be left alone. I cant be around him. I need to stop feeling the butterflys when he is near. I need to get over him.

"Emma baby, open the door." I stayed in my same spot quietly sobbing in my pillow not answering him.

"Emma if you dont open this door I will kick it and break it and I will leave you doorless. I will give you 3 seconds."

I needed a door, I love my privacy. The only problem is I didnt want to see Harry, it will make it harder to get over him.


There was a long pause and in that pause I get up and walk to the door.


There was another long pause so I wiped my tears and unlocked the door and swung it open and immediately turned and walked to my bed then sat down. Harry then sat next to me and grabbed my hand.

I told myself to pull away but my body wouldnt let me.

"Emma look-." Harry started but I cut him off by attaching our lips once more while tears flew down my face. Why was I doing this? I told myself to stay away but I just cant.

This time Harry pulls away and looks at me with a confused expression. I look away avoiding eye contact. Not because it was awkward or that I wanted to stay away, it was because I was ashamed of myself. I wonder what my Grandma would think of this.

My poor grandma she is probobly worried sick. She had to take care of my brothers and I ever parents incident. My mother died in a car crash and my dad, Jesús, blamed himself because she just figured out my dad was cheating on her. Three days later my dad killed himself. My brothers and I came home from school and found him in the living room with a rope around his neck.

To be honest my dad, Jesús was a drama queen and took everything way to far, but I guess I understand why he killed himself but it was selfish if you ask me.

My grandma raised me well and I wish I could visit her and tell her im fine and everything is going to be OK and tell my brothers to use protection and not break girls hearts.

"Emma are you even listening to me?" Harry asked raising his voice grabbing my attention.

"Im sorry, I was just.. nevermind." I keep my head down but I could feel Harrys eyes on me.

Harry grabbed my chin and pulled my head up to him.

"Emma what is wrong."

"Nothings wrong." I pull Harrys hand off my chin. Harry stands up quickly.

"God damn it Emma don't lie to me." Harry raised his voice which kind of scared me.

"Harry I will be alright it is not your concern." I almost whisper but I know Harry heard me when he turns and pounds the wall and leaves a hole.

"Fine! Sorry for caring." I stayed silent when he stomped to the door and left with a loud slam of the door.

Why do I mess everything up?

Monas POV

Zayn is still on my bed just laying there, am I suppost to say something or no. I chose to go with nah and unlock the door and before I could turn the handle Zayn stopped me with his creepy voice.

"Did I say you could leave."

"Did I ever ask permission?"

"Was that attitude?"

"If you think I will be scared over your lame punishments you're more insane than I thought."

Zayn got off of the bed then smirked at me. That kind of smirk that parents give you before there about to woop your ***.

"Watch it Mona."

I stepped closer to him suprising him. I keep stepping closer and put my arms around his neck. He looked at me wide-eyed. I couldnt help a little laugh to escape my lips.

"Sorry babe." His jaw dropped to the floor and his face had to much shock in it.

"Did you just say sorry?"

"Yup, I guess I did."

Zayn wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer, my arms never leaving his neck.

"Whatever you are planing it wont work." Zayn whispers in my ear.

I suddenly feel lips on my neck sucking for dear life. Cheese and rice.

"Zayn... uhm what you doing there?" I ask him sarcastically trying to make him stop.

I succeded when he pulls away.

"Have you never been kissed on the neck before? How could you possibly not know what im doing. "I am tired of your sarcasm Mona, your sarcasm is such a cock block." Zayn let go of my waist so I let go of his neck and step back.

"What crawled in you and died? Seriously why are you in such a bad mood today?" Zayns face filled with fury as his fists forms a ball.

"Its about Liam and Niall huh?" I sighed.

"Dont you dare say their names!"

"I knew it, well I am going to go." I turn and walk to the door then Zayn grabs my arm roughly and pulls me to him

"I didnt say you could leave so why do you think you can just leave?"

"Ughhh. fine can I leave please Zayn?"


"Zayn I get your upset about Niall and Liam, but please dont take it out on me."

"Can you shut up already. Im tired of your constant bitching."

"Then go to sleep."

A fist collided with my face. Pain struck my cheek and I slammed into the wall holding my face.

"What the hell, Zayn!" I scream on the top of my lungs, but he just lays back down on the bed like he just didn't punch me.

This time I had enough.

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