Emma's POV
"Harry what the hell?" I scream while Harry continued to punch Zayn.
"Don't act like you care Emma." Harry stops beating up Zayn and walks closer to me. You can see the rage in his eyes.
I looked over his shoulder and saw Zayn on the floor smirking with a bloddy nose and a bunch of bruises already.
Mona is trying to figure what is going on we are just standing flabbergasted. Mona was astonished you can tell she is hiding a smile. She always loved drama.
Harry saw me looking at Zayn and he started to get upset. I decided to look back at him to not cause anymore problems.
"Harry, I didnt mean what I said earlier, I just-"
"Don't lie to me Emma god damn it!" Harry pounded his fist into the wall and made a hole. I started to shake I got so frightened Harry turned to look at me at his face softened.
Zayn got up and walked to Harry and put his hand on his shoulder.
"Harry, I think you need to calm down." Zayn warned.
Mona scoffed and left to go upstairs pounding her feet throwing a tantrum.
What is her problem?
Zayn took his hand off of Harry's shoulder and went up the stairs following Mona with an annoyed sigh, leaving me alone with Harry.
I will admit I was more excited than scared, I don't know why. I like being around Harry more and more as time goes by.
"I am going to go to my room." Harry mumbles trying to walk past me but I grab his arm and before I knew what I was doing I pushed my body close to his and attached our lips.
Harry reacted by grabbing my waist and pulling me closer if possible. The kiss was the best kiss I ever had. I felt electricity and sparks flew unlike any of my ex-boyfriends kisses went.
I am glad Louis left before we came back down here so he wouldnt have witnessed this. I don't want anyone knowing about....this.
I finally caught myself. I can't be falling for Harry he is a bad man. I pulled away and Harry wimpered.
"I uhm....I'm sorry." I limp upstairs and run into my room and lock the door. I hear Harry calling my name but I cant talk to him yet.
I burried my head in my pillow softly to make sure nobody could hear me. I cant fall for him. I continuously told myself but I still felt the same about Harry. I couldnt stop my feelings for him, I cant control them.
Mona's POV
I stomped on the floor on my way to my room. I heard footsteps behind me and I guessed it was Zayn.
I hurried up and got into the room and locked the door pretending I didnt know someone was behind me.
I layed my back to the door and slid down to the floor.
Was I feeling jealous? No I couldn't be I dont even like Zayn. It must be just stress. Moments later I heard a knock at my door. Opening the door it revealed Zayn with his beautiful brown eyes and brown hair, was he always this sexy. Woah stop Mona there is nothing attractive about a kidnapper.
I just stood there staring at him waiting for him to say or do something, but he did nothing he only looked at me confusedly.
"Do you need a picture of me so you can stare at it, because I dont want to just stand here all day while you stare at me." I give him more attitude in my voice than usual.
Zayn pushed by me and sat by my bed and still said nothing.
"Did I say you could come in?" I roll my eyes.
"Thats it!" Zayn shoots up and walks by me and shuts the door and lockes it."if you havent noticed I just saved your ass and I just got punched so I am not in the best mood and your attitude isn't helping so, I need to get this straight." Zayn steps closer and pushes me into a wall sending me flying.I am not going to lie it hurt, there must have been something on the wall. He walks to me and gets as close as he could and grabs my waist and whispers in my ear. "If you don't show me, or anyone else in this household more respect there will be major punishments and trust me you wont like them, got it?"
Zayn was suprising me with his attitude. It was kind of hot if that makes any sense. He finally grew balls and threatened me and sounded convincing. Too bad he doesnt scare me. I smirked at him.
Zayn looked at me both angry and shocked at my reaction. He squeezed even closer making it hard to breath. I tryed to push him but he grabbed my wrists and held it above my head.
"Did you understand what I said?" He asks me.
"Oh I understood but I cant take you seriously." I reply and try to hold in my laughter.
"Oh so you need and example of one of the punishments then?" He smirked at me evilly.
It was really hot the way he was acting. More hot than Miles. What am I saying I love Miles and he technically is still my boyfriend. Before I could say anything I heard steps sounding like Emma's soft ones run into a room and slam the door then Harry calling her name and knocking on her door.
I focused my attention on them or at least tryed to.
"Mona don't ignore me I don't like that. Now do you think you need one of those punishments to put you in check right now?" Zayn puts his lips close to mine waiting for a responce.
"No." I smile at him and he pulls away making it easier to breath.
"Good." Zayn walks to the bed and lays on it.

FanfictionHave you ever loved someone so much you wanted to keep them hidden from the world and all to yourself? Well apparently that's called kidnapping.