Chapter 21

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Emmas POV

After Niall left leaving me confused i walk out the kitchen wanting to hit something. Iv'e never been so angry in my life. These a-holes think it's okay to just kiss whoever and whenever. This house is making me crazy! Literally. I need to stop being the scared little girl everyone says i am. I'm tired of always being played and lied too. I'm tired of all of this. Every single person in this house is lying about something, something is going on between Niall and Mona that i have no idea about. I know Mona is hiding something from me, like i said before i'm smart.

I walk out the front to talk to Zayn, to be honest he's the only one i can trust right now.

When i walk out he's sitting on the steps his head in his hands. I take a seat by him making him look up.

"Hi." I say.


"How did everything go?" I ask.

"She clearly doesn't like me--" he pauses and looks at me "what were you and Mona planning?"

My mouth falls open "w-what?"

"You guys have some evil plan to get away from us? You girls are crazy if you think you're getting out of here and believe me if you guys ever try to break us up again, i won't hesitate to hurt either one of you." He threatens standing up "I really thought you guys started getting over all this." He shakes his head clenching his jaw.

I stand up glaring at him "what the hell do you expect Zayn? We were kidnapped for goodness sake! You want us to be happy here? I didn't ask for this!" I shout tears falling down my face "You guys hurt us so much and you think we should forget what you guys did to what? Fall in love?" I laugh, Wow i'm going crazy "I want to go home to my family! I want to go to parties! I actually want to go back to school! I want my old life back." I cry.

"Get over it! You'll never have your old life back, so suck it up and stop crying all the damn time because it won't get you no where!" He yells.

My hand connects with his face, Anger taking over my body. I hate this place so much, i hate these stupid boys! Right now i hate every god damn boy in this world.

"You really shouldn't have done that." He growls grabbing my wrist and twisting it. I scream in pain before his fist collides with my cheek making me fall to the ground.

"I hate you." I choke.

"Good." He mumbles kicking me in my stomach, i yelp holding it.

"I hope you die." I cough.

"Me too." He says kicking me again.

"You're a monster."

"I know." He chuckles kicking me one more good time before leaving.

I throw up from the pain and when i look at the ground it's blood. I look up, I could run. I would, but what's the use? They'll catch me again. I stand up as pain rushes through me. Of all people i didn't think Zayn was that abusive.

I walk inside holding my stomach, i haven't been able to sleep and i don't trust myself sleeping in the living room.

I walk up the stairs slowly opening the bedroom door, I hear the light snores of Harry. I hate him, but i feel safe when he's around even though he's a bad guy. I slowly make my way to the bed getting in beside him.

"Emma?" He whispers when i snuggle close to him.


"Nothing, just checking if it's you."


"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, The couch was uncomfortable." I mumble.


Mona's POV

I sit on the bed for what seems like hours, they found out our plan. What are we going to do now?

I change into something comfortable slipping myself under the covers. Finally a peaceful sleep without annoying dimwits.


I wake up to pounding on my door, i groan in frustration.

"Get your ass up Mona!" I hear Nialls voice boom through the door.

I swear to god he needs to get a life instead of obsessing over me. I stumble out of bed walking to the door and opening it.

"What?" I grumble.

"Oh, you look a hot mess." He smirks.

"And you look like Peter Pan, what do you want?"

"You of coarse."

"Sorry Niall, but i'm Taken." I roll my eyes closing the door until he stops me.

"Yeah by me and Zayn remember?" He smirks.

"You know i'd rather be taken by Louis, he's the most normal person here."

"I know you have feelings toward me baby." His fingers caress my cheek making me pull away.

"No way in hell." I laugh

"Come on Mona admit it." He says in a hushed tone, he's never talked like this before and it's weirding me out. His arms wrap around my waist as he leads me to the bed.

"I can do way better then Zayn." He whispers, his eyes turn a darker blue it's actually... Nice..?

He lays me gently on the bed a grin taking over his face.

"You're so beautiful Mona."

No one has ever spoken to me like that before, what the hell is going on? His lips find mine and immediately i snap back to reality pushing him off me.

"Get out!" I huff.

He chuckles "you liked it didn't you?"

"Get the hell out now!" I growl standing up. "You have issues. Serious issues! You're so obsessive!"

Something clicks in his head as his smirk turns into a frown.

"Don't." He warns.

"It's true! You're always all up on me! Take the damn hint, i don't like you! Stop obsessing over me! Find someone else!"

He clenches his fist standing up straight before walking out the room.

A sigh of relief escapes my mouth. I decide to talk to Emma, i walk down the stairs to the living room. Emma isn't on the couch.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion before walking back upstairs.

I open the door to her room to see the bed empty. I'm about to close it before i hear a sob. I rush to the bathroom to see Emma with he shirt lifted and a big purple bruise on her stomach. She sees me and quickly pulls it down.

"Emma, Oh my god. Who did that to you?" I frown walking to her.

She looks at me with a scowl on her face "No one."

"Well you didn't do this to yourself, who did it?"

"Why do you care?" She snaps letting a tear fall down.

I take a step back, why is she mad at me? "We're best friends, of coarse i care.."

"Yeah whatever." She mumbles walking past me.

I stand there confused.. What the hell did i miss?

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