Next day
Alexia's POV:
I woke up in my bed because OF THE STUPID SUN SHINING THROUGH MY CURTAINS!!!!! Anyways I woke up to the thought of Justin's lips on mine. His lips were so soft and gentle. It seemed like he would never hurt me. I looked at the time on my phone and it was 8:00am. Wow since when do I wake up early. Eh, I was going to wake up sooner or later. WAIT. Damn it it's school and worst of all... ITS MONDAYYYY!!!!! On the bright side I get to see Justin. I got out of bed and changed into nice black jeans with a white crop top and a white flowy sweater to go with it. I did my basic makeup which of course was mascara eyeliner and lip gloss. After that I put on my whit converse and went down stairs. "Good morning sweetie!" "Morning mom!" "You're brother is going to take you to school today." "Ok." "JADEN I NEED YOU TO TAKE ALEXIA TO SCHOOL TODAY!" Geez why does she have the yell so much. "OKAYYYY!!!!" I swear they are so alike. I grabbed an apple because I wasn't that hungry. "Jaden come on hurry up!" "Ok ok I'm coming! Bye mom bye Lily!" Both Jaden and I called.
Skip to school
I made my way through the halls and saw someone waiting at my locker. I came a little bit closer and it was the one and only my new boyfriend Justin. "Hey!" "Hi what's up" Wow just wow really Alexia what's up I said to myself. "Nothing to be honest" he said with a smile at the end. I swear that smile kills me every single time. I put my stuff in my backpack and started to head to my first period. And as usual Justin and I sit next to each other.
Skip to lunch
Yes!! It's finally lunch. I made my way to the cafeteria and they were serving cheeseburgers and other greasy food. I decided to get a salad water and an apple. Oh how I love apples. I'm such a weird person I thought to myself. I walked to the table where I always sit with my friends Julia and Celena. I haven't actually seen them for a while because they put into different classes. We still had lunch together but Julia would always hang out with her other friends and same with Celena. I started to eat my lunch until 3 people were coming my way. "Hey longtime no see bestie!" I looked up from my food and saw Justin, Julia, and Celena standing there. "Well, that's because both of you guys would run towards your lil group." "Look Alexia we get it but..." I cut her off "BUT WHAT! YOU THOGHT THAT I WOULD BE FINE WITH IT WELL SURPRISE SURPRISE IM NOT!!" I said. I could it take it anymore. They just left me in the dust for the people that they barely even know. I know it sounds selfish and I guess self absorbed but it's true. Justin on the other he was just standing there dumbfounded. He actually looked like a lost puppy. "I'm gonna got now since I have nothing else to do. And both of you guys can go and run to your pathetic friends." I got from my seat and walked through those doors. I had to go somewhere that I'll know that I am safe. And that place is where I'm going.

Justin's POV:
Wow. I did not expect that at all. Alexia just literally blew up on Celena and Julia. I mean I won't actually blame her for doing that. Her two best friends just left her in the dust like she was nothing.

Julia's POV:
I actually regretted not being there for Alexia. I mean she does have a point.  She's been there for me and I need to be there for her. She's been through a lot and I can't believe that I just did that to her. I put my food down and decided to go after her. Anyways I owe her. "Hey where are you going?" " I'm going to talk to Alexia come on Celena." "I'm sorry but that girl needs to handle it on her own" I just looked at her in shock. "How could you say that. She's our friend. We are supposed to be there for each other." "Well she's a baby and her running off is just her way of saying I'm weak. Did you actually thought I was going run after her. No way that's going to look for me." "Why because you're to pretty??!!!" "Uh yeah I'm popular for a reason and I'm sorry but..." I couldn't take it anymore this bitch is actually talking bad about someone who has been there for her. I slapped her face so hard that she fell to the ground while holding her cheek. "That's what you get for talking bad about my friend." I started to head out with Justin following behind me."
This is one hell of a day so far and yes I am willing to ditch class for my friend.

869 words

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