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"Are you gonna do good tomorrow?" I pushed Grayson's wet hair back out of his face.

"Depends if you're cheering for me or not." He smirked.
"Haha." I sarcastically rolled my eyes.

"What?" He smirked wrapping his arms on the outside of the hot tub.
"It wouldn't make a difference if I was cheering for you or not." I put my hands onto his chest.

"I'm not kidding, seeing you gets me all excited." His cheeks became more toned as he blushed.

I looked down to the water letting out a giggle, "You're so cute."

"I'm serious." His strong hand gently touched my cheek. "Like when you were sick a couple weeks ago I played so bad cause I had no one to play for."

"Well, I'll be there tomorrow so I expect perfection." I joked.


"Hey guys!" I ran up to Grayson and Ethan standing with a bunch of people in the hallway.

They turned around to look at me and wow... they look so good.

On game days they have to wear button up shirts with kaki pants and all I can say is they looked so good.

"Damn, you both are looking like some fine ass men." I complimented.
"Thanks." Ethan's facial expressions seemed saddened.
Grayson put his hand to his mouth as he stared at me causing me to move my attention to him.
"What.." I raised my eyebrow.

"You look so good in your uniform." His eyes were so wide looking at me up and down.

"They're new!" I twirled like a princess.
"I dig it." He held his hand out. "Wanna walk to class?"
I nodded taking his hand into mine. "You coming, E?" I turned to him.

He looked towards us with that same sadness in his face. I know something unusual is bothering him.

"No, I'll just see you guys after school." His eyes looked at us but without making eye contact.

"Okay.." I was a little let down. I hate seeing either of them upset. "What's wrong with him?" I turned to Grayson as we walked.

"Something with that Julia girl I think, I'm not sure he won't talk to me about it." Grayson seemed a little hurt.

"Ethans never down... he's always so outgoing." I was worried for him.

"I know, it's been freaking me out." Grayson's eyes looked down to his feet as we walked.

"He'll come around eventually. You know Ethan." I rubbed his hand with my opposite hand.

He shrugged as we walked to class.


I looked at myself in the mirror while trying to tie the green ribbon into my hair.

"Are you ready, Addison?" The new assistant cheer coach walked back into the quiet locker room.

"Yeah sorry I'm running behind! I'm just trying to make sure everything looks perfect." I sent her a smile through the mirror.

"Well you look great! Come on let's get cheering!" She opened the door for me.

I walked out the door and my whole body sunk causing me to be in shock.

All of the football players, even Ethan, were lined up holding a long sign that read...

"Proms a couple months away, but I need to secure this touchdown... prom?"

Grayson was standing in front of it holding a bouquet of white roses-my favorite flower.

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