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"Morning Gray." Ethan trotted down the stairs with Addison following behind him.

"Hey." I tipped my head up while pulling the orange juice out of the fridge.
Addison walked past me and sat onto the bar stool. I could feel her eyes keep glancing at me.

"Wanna go to the beach with everyone today? A ton of people are having a bonfire there tonight and I think you owe everyone a visit." Ethan chucked as he took a bite into his banana.

I poured my glass of orange juice and looked up at Addison, "are you going?"

She seemed a little shocked that I asked her but she nodded her head, "of course I'm going. We don't miss parties." She grinned.

I nodded at her, "Well then yes, if you two are going I'm for sure going." I sipped orange juice out of my glass.

My eyes shifted to Addison while Ethan started talking to her. I watched as she flipped her hair out of her face, she's so pretty.

"Do you know if Claire is going?" Ethan asked her.
"Probably... we've been trying to hangout but with everything that happened..." she started to slow down her words then looked up at me.

I cleared my throat, "What time is the party at?" I aimed my attention to Ethan.

"Seven. Gray I don't think it's a good idea for you to drink tonight." Ethan admit.

"Drink at what?" Our mom came in raising her eyebrow as she set the groceries down onto the counter.

We all looked at each other wide-eyed. I looked to Addison and she looked at me and we bursted out laughing.

"Mom I was thinking I could go to a bonfire tonight." I asked her.
"He will be with us we will make sure nothing happens." Ethan defended me.

"Grayson it's just not a good idea. You got hurt 3 days ago." She put her keys down onto the counter.

"I'll stay with him the whole time and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." Addison stepped in. My eyes shifted towards her.


"I'll stay with him the whole time and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." I told Lisa. I really want Grayson at this party. The more time I spend with him the higher chance that he will remember me.

Grayson's eyes shifted up towards me without moving his head. Shit he's so intimidating.

Ethan looked over to me as the room went quite. I could tell he was a little hurt but I blew it off. Lisa squinted her eyes and looked at Grayson.

"Who would drive?" She asked looking at all of us and it got extremely quiet.

"Me, I'll make good decisions I promise." I bit my bottom lip as they all looked at me.

"Fine, be home by 12 o'clock no later. It's a school night. Addison you're welcome to spend the night here for school in the morning." She dragged the keys off the counter. "Put these groceries away while you're at it." She giggled jogging off to her room and shutting the door.

We all laughed at started digging into the groceries. "Thanks for taking one for the team." Grayson smiled at me making my heart warm.

"Just trying to make sure you're able to still have fun." I softly laughed putting the mac n' cheese away.

"You know you can't drink now that you've offered to drive right?" Ethan put the apples away.

"Yeah I know, I need a break from drinking anyways." I shrugged.

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