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I opened the door and my heart dropped. I felt my face go pale. Grayson.

He was standing at my door with a grey hoodie on with dark spots all over it from the rain. He had the hood pulled over his head to avoid his hair from getting wet.

My body tensed up, not wanting him to see me like this.

Wait why is he here? He hasn't been talking to anyone? My heart jumped at the thought of him coming to me to talk.

"Addison." His weak voice spoke as his saddened eyes reached for me.

"Grayson." I let out a breath of nervousness. He cant know I'm drunk. That's an all time low of me to be drunk on a Saturday in the middle of the day.

He was about to speak but stopped himself. His eyes shifted from my eyes to behind me. I heard footsteps and turned back to see Ethan slowly walking to see the doorway.

Ethans mouth dropped as him and Grayson stared intensely at each other.

"I should just go-" Grayson's eyes looked to the floor as he shook his head turning around in the rain.

Why did he come here? He was gonna talk to me about something until he saw Ethan. What happened?

"Grayson wait." I begged.

He slowly turned around with his hands in his pockets.

"Did you need anything?" I raised my eyebrows hoping he would tell me why he stopped by. Please tell me.

He just looked at Ethan. I looked back and forth between them and there was a very intense glare between them. Grayson seemed to be filled with anger and regret. Regret of coming over. Ethan seemed to be filled with sorrow and fear.

"It's not important." He shifted his eyes away from us and he turned around and started walking away. Before I could go after him, Ethan pushed past me into the rain.


She opened the door and her face immediately dropped. My breath hitched being face to face with her.

Her whole body tended up, almost looking afraid to see me.

"Addison." I hardly spoke.

"Grayson." She let out a breath of nervousness.

I was about to speak but immediately stopped when Ethan walked from the stairs, pausing when he saw me.

Addison's head turns slowly while her hand rests on the door. She turns to see Ethan standing a few feet behind her looking at me wide-eyed.

"I should just go-" I started to walk off her porch into the freezing rain but her words paused me.

"Grayson wait." She almost begged.

I slowly turned around, hands in my pockets and looked at her.

"Did you need anything?" She asked with so much hope in her eyes. Hope that id tell her why I came to her door step. But I can't.

Seeing Ethan inside her house alone was a huge smack in the face and I realized that our moment at my birthday party meant nothing to her when it meant everything to me.

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