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"None of this is your fault, Addison." A tear slipped from Lisa's eye, "You all made the decision to leave. You weren't even in the car okay don't blame yourself." She took her hand off of me and put her face into her hands.

My breathing was so uneven. My sobs were uncontrollable. It's been three hours of waiting and waiting and waiting.

They took Ethan into emergency surgery and I can't get the words out of my head.

'No pulse! No pulse!'

My whole body was shaking cold even though it was a warm temperature in this hospital.

I looked over to Matt who was sitting in a chair with elbows on his knees; crying into his hands.

Claire was sitting next to me on her phone texting her mom everything.

This feels like a dream. No, a nightmare. This can't be real.

"Lisa Dolan." The doctor walked out of a room with a clipboard in his hand.

Lisa's head shot up as she walked over towards the doctor.

Matt, Claire and I all stayed seated waiting, but listened into their conversation.

"They are all going to be alright. Emerson Glander, wound to the head but just a bruise. She got knocked out from the impact of the window but her stats are at normal."

"Grayson Dolan, we had to apply stitches to his shoulder. From the amount of blood he lost, he might be a little dizzy. His head his okay. Just a bruise; no damage."

I felt a giant weight lift off my shoulders.

"Ethan on the other hand," He let out a deep breath making my whole body start to shake even more.

"He's in critical condition. We gave nineteen stitches to the stomach, twenty four stitches down the entire right arm. His leg is dislocated and we had to put it back into place and a concussion to the left side of his forehead." He explained.

"He hit the wheel pretty hard, then when the mental from the car came in through the windshield it went into his stomach. The wound on his arm is from the broken glass. He's very lucky."

Lisa let out a cry, "is he going to be okay? Tell me he's gonna be okay."

"He needs rest right now. If he gets that, he's going to be fine over time." The doctor put the pen back down into his clipboard.

"Can I see them? Any of them?" She had so much hope in her glossy eyes.

"We put Grayson and Ethan into the same room since they are family. Emerson is the room across from them. She's sleeping and I think it's best we let her stay that way. At least until her parents call back." The doctor explained.

"If you go see your sons, you must stay quiet. We don't know how Ethan will react to noise." He gave her a stern look of safety.

The doctor walked away and Lisa turned back to us.

"I'll be right back." She smiled a fake smile.

Every part of me wanted to just run in there and make sure they were okay. Being blocked from that felt like hell.


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