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Grayson walked back to the team and I waited until he wouldn't see me before I sprinted back to the gate where Ethan was.

I looked around at all the cars until I saw him duck his head down into the drivers seat of his car. I quickly jogged to him before he could drive away. "Ethan!" I put my hand on the door handle then opening it.

I got into the passenger seat and noticed him staring at me with his eyebrow raised.
"What?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"What are you doing?" He let out a sigh.
"I need a ride home." I pointed to the road through the window.

He rolled his eyes not wanting to continue this conversation, "whatever." He put the keys into ignition then we started driving.

"Why didn't you just go with Grayson?" He turned the wheel out of the parking lot.
"Because I care about you Ethan. You act like I don't know how close we are. I do. You're my absolute best friend. I love you with all my heart." I told him.

"But you're not in love with me." He didn't make eye contact with me. His eyes stayed on the road as his jaw clinched.

I turned my body towards the road taking a deep inhale then exhale getting frustrated. "It shouldn't matter. I'm in your life and I love you. Would you rather me just leave your life?"

"No?" He answered as if I was dumb. "Never." His eyes glanced to me then back to the road.

I nodded my head, "okay then."
We started driving and the silence almost felt sickening. I plugged my phone into aux and started playing some music.

After ten more minutes of driving we pulled into his drive way. He turned off the car and we took our seatbelts off. Before we could leave the car, I spoke again.

"You know I care about you right?" I turned my head towards him
"Mhm." He nodded looking straight ahead through the window.

"Just because I'm not with you doesn't mean I don't care about you. We've been there for each other since day one and I plan to keep it that way." I rubbed his shoulder.

"It's okay, Addison. I get it." A small smile escaped his lips.

We both got out the of the car and shut the doors. "Where's Grayson?" I asked confused on why his car wasn't here.

"He did just win state, probably out with the team since you weren't with him." He shrugged as Ethan unlocked the front door.

Sadness filled my body. Ethan's on the team too and he didn't participate in whatever the team was doing.

We walked inside and sat down onto the couch. "Want me to get you a blanket?" Ethan looked at my cheer uniform.

"Actually I think I'm gonna go upstairs and change into something else." I lifted up from the couch.

I know Grayson has a bunch of my own clothes. I leave them here all the time.

"I'm gonna change too." He followed me upstairs, going into his own room while I went into Grayson's room.

I found my black lulu lemon leggings and slipped on my favorite yellow sweatshirt of his.

I tied my hair up into a messy bun and walked back downstairs noticing Ethan was already sitting on the couch.

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