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"Here I'll help you stand up." The doctor held out his arm for Ethan to grab.

Surprisingly, Ethan grabbed onto his arm and got up pretty easily. He put the crutches under his arms and started using them; slowly moving around.

"Do they feel good?" I asked him.

He looked up at me a popped out his bottom lip while nodding, "Yeah they are fine. I'm just still a little sore."

"We recommend you stay home and try to just relax a bit so you don't over do yourself." The doctor smiled before opening the door for us.

"Thank you for everything, DR." Lisa shook his hand and he smiled.

"Come on E, lets go home." Grayson seemed to be excited that his brother would be back in his own house.


"Want me to help you onto the couch?" Emerson held onto Ethans arm while he put his crutches onto the wall.

"I think I've got it." He slowly sat onto the couch-Emerson did the same.

I felt my phone vibrate so I checked it.

Maggie: hey Addison, are you still mad?

Me: of course I am? Stop texting me

Maggie: look Claire just snapped. I'm sorry we didn't do anything to help Grayson. Please forgive me.

Me: No? Bye.

I wasn't trying to deal with her shit right now.

I was beyond pissed at her and Shay. Just sitting there watching Matt slam Grayson while they know he's hurt. I don't need her drama stacked on top of Matt and Claire's.

"So when are we seeing that movie?" I nudged Grayson's shoulder while he put a water bottle up to his lips and took a few gulps.

"I was thinking tomorrow." He grinned as he closed the water bottle cap.

"Sounds good, you're gonna loose." He shrugged before sitting onto the couch next to Ethan.

"Hah! You're forgetting that I don't loose bets." Grayson walked over and sat down next to me.

"There's a first time for everything." I chuckled. He grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him kissing my neck; tickling me.

"What are you guys even talking about? What bet?" Emerson laughed handing Ethan a juice box then sitting next to him.

Grayson looked at me wide-eyed and we both broke into laughter. "Don't worry about it." Grayson chuckled.

"You two are disgusting." Ethan rolled his eyes and turned back towards the tv.

"Let's watch a show. Suit Life on Deck! I miss that show." Grayson's eyes filled with excitement like a little kid.

Ethan clicked the play button and we started to binge watch 'The Suit Life on Deck'.

I laid my head onto Grayson's stomach with my chest into between his legs while my arms wrapped around him. His hands lightly played with my hair.

I could feel my head bounce up and down on his stomach every time he would laugh. I'm not complaining. Being able to be this close to him feels amazing.

I moved my hands and curled them into my chest; which was also by his dick. I wasn't doing anything, I was just getting comfortable.

I could hear his heart beat pick up due to the presence of my hands. His stomach started breathing a tiny bit heavier than before.

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