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"Grayson! My man!" A random from the football team pointed at me as I walked through the halls with Ethan and Addison.
"Hey Gray!" A girl waved to me.

"Aye the king is okay!" Another football player commented.

"Hey Grayson, we are so happy you're doing okay." A girl latched onto my arm while a blonde latched onto my other arm. I swear I've never seen these girls in my life.

I looked at Ethan and he rolled his eyes while we still walked.
"Uh Yeah, I'm fine." I uncomfortably chuckled.

"So what I'm hearing is that you and Addison are over?" She glared at Addison causing my heart to jump in fear.

Addison turned her head towards us and looked angry. "Do not talk about me like I'm not standing right here." She snapped. Not gonna lie that was attractive.

"Whatever, you're not together anymore which means Grayson Dolan is open." She winked at me. "I'll see ya in fourth period babe." She left a kiss on my cheek then they both walked away.


Wow so the day people find out Grayson and I aren't dating anymore they all hop onto him? I guess this is just showing people's true colors.

"Addison don't be mad." Grayson gripped onto my wrist causing both of us to stop in the middle of the hall. Ethan noticed we stopped and he stood right next to me.

"I'm not mad, Grayson." I shook my head.
"You seem pretty mad." He chuckled.
"Just give her a second bro. This isn't normal ok? No one ever flirts with you." Ethans stern voice chipped into the conversation.

I nodded my head; agreeing with ethan and held onto the straps of my backpack.

"Why?" He raised his eyebrow.
"Because you and Addison have been together for so long that people knew not to go for either of you... but I guess now that you two are over this is showing who really wanted to get with you this whole time." Ethan bit his bottom lip in disappointment.

"Don't let it stop you from having fun, by all means, do what you want." I tried to fake smile. "We aren't together anymore so." My voice got quiet.

Grayson's eyes shifted down at me as he crossed his arms. He tried to look down into my eyes but I was scared to make eye contact with him.

"I'm not gon-" He started but he was cut off by the bell.
My eyes shifted upwards at Grayson wanting to hear what he was gonna say.

"Come on Addy, lets get to class." Ethan tugged lightly at my wrist.

I broke from my thoughts; blinking a couple of times then looking to ethan. I nodded my head and him and I walked together the whole day.


This whole week has gone by so slow. School was gonna be the death of me. All I heard throughout the past five days is how Grayson has girls all over him and how the Algebra 2 test is hard as fuck.

Luckily I've had Ethan by my side to get me through this week. God I'm thankful for the kid.

He's helped me walk away from the gossip, helped me study for tests and even just to have fun and get shit off of my mind.


I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see Ethan handing me a note. His cheekbones became viable as the corners of his mouth curved upwards.

I smiled as I took the note and turned back to the front of the room as I opened it.

'You look really pretty today'

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