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I opened my eyes and rolled over in bed; it took me a second to realize I wasn't in my bed. I was in Ethans.

I raised my head and saw him sleeping peacefully next to me. His lips were connected as his eyelashes rested softly on his cheek.

Fuck my head. I held onto my forehead in pain.

I laid back down trying to remember last night and it was very blurry.

I heard Ethan shifting and I look over at him. His eyes gently opened adjusting to the view of me.
"Hi." He mumbled closing his eyes again.

Did we sleep together? Oh my god.

"Why am I here?" I asked nervously.
He opened his eyes giving me a shocked look.
Shit that was pretty rude wasn't it.

"You were super drunk so I brought you up here, put you to sleep and went back down stairs with everyone. Don't worry nothing else happened." He told me with his eyebrows narrowed and a sassy voice. After, he shut his eyes.

"Are you sure?" I wanted to verify.
His eyes shot open, "w-what do you remember?"

"Nothing, I just didn't know if we... ya know." I raised my eyes brows.
"Oh, yeah no." He closed his eyes again.

I rubbed my lips together confused on why he was being so short with me.
Oh yeah cause I'm a fuck up thats messing with his feelings because I don't know what's best for the any of us.

"I'm gonna head home." I slowly got out of bed.
"Okay." He mumbled.

I picked up my shoes from off the floor and looked back down to him sleeping. I sighed and walked back home.

I opened the front door and was immediately greeted by my parents.

"Jesus Addison! Where the hell were you!" My dad rushed over to me.

"Ethan and Grayson's... chill." My head was pounding.
"You didn't think to tell us! We were worried sick that something happened to you." My mom complained. "Why didn't you come home?" She kept rambling.

"Because I was drunk mom, Ethan helped me and let me sleep in his bed! I'm fine!" I screamed annoyed at her asking so many questions.

"I told you no alcohol." She gave me a stern look.
"Yeah well I've been having a really rough month mom, and I needed it ok." I let out a sigh and looked down.

"What's been going on?" She grabbed my arm.
"It's just the whole Grayson thing. I miss him, but I guess being apart from him is making me attached to Ethan? I don't know." I looked down.

"Honey, don't be sad. Everything happens for one reason." She pulled me into a hug. "Ethan has always cared for you, maybe this is fate for you two?" She told me.

"I'm so bad for him mom. I care about him so much but I've loved Grayson since I was 8! I can't just forget about him in a month." I admit to her.

"It doesn't have to be a month... honey if you truly care for ethan and would want to be with him, you need to do that when you're over Grayson. Ethan will understand and he will wait. I know he will." She told me making me feel better.

I thought to myself for a while then nodded my head, "thank you." I softly smiled.

"Go get some rest." She pushed me towards the stairs.

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