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Ken: heyyyy yall know what time is it nowww???

Hongbin: its time for you to get a watch


Hongbin: then its time for you to get a calendar

Ken: Its Christmas!!!!!!!

Ravi: its christmas already?

N: i think we have been too busy with a lot of stuffs so we forgot that its christmas already


Leo: im not going to bake gingerbread men this year.

Ken: aw come on. I wanted mine to taste like bananas

Leo: go bake it yourself then

N: guys, since its christmas why not we celebrate it now


Hongbin: ....but we are like one month late for christmas

Ravi: wait what really

N: nah its okay we are still going to celebrate it. Right Jyani?

Ken: YASssss

Leo: how about the christmas tree?

Hyuk: hongbin and I will go and hunt for a tree

Hongbin: i didnt even agree to go hunt for a tree with you

Hyuk: come on hyung dont spoil the moment and lets have fun running in the woods and look for a tree

Ken: then ravi and I will go bake some cookies for us since Leo hyung doesnt want to bake anything this year

Leo: i knew it.

N: i hope you two wont burn the kitchen down

Ravi: i dont know how to bake tho

Ken: why dont you just try how to bake though. See even Hongbin agreed to help Hyuk hunt for a tree so why dont you help me out too

Hongbin: i didnt even said anything!!

Hyuk: we are supposed to look for the tree!!

Leo: what ever you guys are doing, i am going to lock myself in my room and wait for shits to happen

N: i will wait too :)

Hongbin: N hyung never really do anything

Hyuk: come on people!! Get your mind to it, get your grind to it, and get ready for christmas!!

Ravi: although we are like a month later

Ken: its okay people! It is still christmas season!


Tree hunting at some wood.

Hyuk: oh christmas tree oh christmas treeeee~~

* random squirrel start to scatter away *

Hongbin: Hyuk stop. You are scaring the animals here

Hyuk: oh I think I should lower down my pitch then.. * in a lower voice * oh christmas tree oh christmas treeee~~

* birds start to fly out from a tree *

Hongbin: gdi are you here to look for a tree or to do some free musical performance in this woods? Why not we just chop this tree down and just bring it back?

* squirrel peeking out from the tree with sad face *

Hyuk: oh no Hongbinnie, look at that lil creature in that tree. It would be upset if we chop its house down. Come on lets go find another tree

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