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VIXX backwards is XXIV
X - 10
X - 10
IV - 4
XXIV - 24
VIXX has 6 members
24 divided by 6 is 4
You know what is four?

Wait that's not it
XXIV is a Roman number
Julius Caesar was from Rome
4 + 4 = 44
Caesar died at 44 BC
You know who comes after Julius Caesar?
Augustus Caesar
He was born on 23rd September
Hongbin was born 6 days after
VIXX 6th single album is Hades
Okay lets go to Greece

Hades has six siblings
VIXX has six members
VIXX are Gods
Yes they are

**starts to think hard on how to continue this shit**

Lets go back to Rome
Julius Caesar's quote is 'Veni, Vidi, Vici'
It means 'I came, I saw, I conquered'
That quote defines VIXX at new concepts
They come, they see, they conquer
Lastly they slay the concept

N is the leader of VIXX
N in chemistry stands for Nitrogen
My chemistry teacher's first name is Solomon
King Solomon was a wise leader
N is a wise leader
They could be related

VIXX are Gods
VIXX are Kings
If someone stans VIXX but unstans them after, show them this
These are random ideas popping out of my mind so they are arranged randomly
Thank you for reading this even though they might not make sense.

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