vixx as shits my friends say

105 11 8


"Is it just people nowadays who like to make really fit pants or is it my ass that is getting bigger?"


"I was cooking instant noodles at 12am and suddenly I saw my cat jumped out of the washing machine. I dont know how it can get in there."


"My 3rd uncle won a lottery so he bought a Harley Davidson and rode my cousin to school."


"Instead of studying for exams until 3am, I slept at 3am because I was busy searching about the person who invented exams in Google."


"I inherit my beauty from my grandma. She told me to cleanse my face with river stones."


"My aunt praised me for being taller than my cousins who are like 2 years older than me. They stopped talking to me since then."

hey :D

more updates coming soon yay

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