LIFE RANTS: Confused

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I'm at that stage of my life where I am lost
I don't know what makes me who I am
I don't know my defining qualities anymore!

I used to feel gifted once , and now NOTHING.

I'm stuck , I don't know which direction to head to from here.
I don't know which road to tread.

Sometimes I wonder whether being the 'nobody' , the 'insignificant' , the 'broke' is easier than trying to make my place in this world.

But I know These are just things I say to make myself feel better.
Because I can't settle for nothing .

I used to dream- believe- achieve!
But now I don't even know what to dream about.

Am I doing life right?
That is the big question.
But for right now I just need to know what to work for.

I am aware that I have
Stopped working.
Stopped achieving.
Stopped putting in even a quarter of what is required.

All because I don't know where to put it all.
Where to give my priority, where to focus on.

It's like I am in a room full of a big connected picture ,but I don't know where to start seeing it from. So I take it all in without actually taking anything in.

I am just seeing everything ,
not understanding ,
not comprehending.

I don't know who to ask for help, whose opinions to take.
I don't know whom to talk it all out to.

Because nobody listens to you rant again and again about the same problem in your life.
A problem whose solution even you don't know.
Sometimes I get confused what the problem even was.

Million words scream in my head,yet all that comes out is  "I don't know "

My very own thoughts rebel against me,
They suffocate me.
They grapple me, rendering me helpless.
They burn my soul, my sense of purpose.
I am confused.
I don't know what to do about that.

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