Chapter 6

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The next morning, Rachel got ready in her knee length skirt suit and boots before putting on her coat, grabbing her bag and leaving; she got to the school and went up to her office where she was setting up her laptop when Kim entered.

"Morning; how was your weekend away?" She asked as she sat down.

"Good; I got your email."

"What are we gonna do?"

"Erm, I'll talk to Ros and Chlo and I'll try and contact Rebecca's parents; I'm gonna try and find time to go up to the hospital. Staff meeting...anything else I need to mention?"

"Open day preparations; we need to start getting display boards and activities ready."

"Okay, done."

"As far as I can remember, that's it; there wasnt any trouble Friday afternoon"

"Good; I'll get Bridget to get some letters made up if you can get some flyers printed up?"

"I might get some of my GCSE art students to design some."

"Good idea."

"I'll meet you in the staff room; I need to set up for my lesson."


As Kim left, Rachel looked at her laptop screen; a while later, she entered the staff room alongside Kim where all the teachers were focused on her.

"Morning everyone, start of a new week; lots to do. I need all teachers to put together display boards a d activities for the open day. I want Matt and Izzie to put together some kind of performance with the English and drama groups; Kim is gonna get her GCSE students to make the flyers; it's a couple of weeks away so let's make sure we give the open day Waterloo Road has ever done, yeah?"

"Yeah." Murmurs were heard across the room.

"Good; on a less pleasant note. There's still no change in Lucy James' condition but there's been no deterioration so hopefully that's a good thing. We dont know if Nikki will be in today but same rules as Friday applies. And whoever has Ros McCain and Chlo Grainger in their first lesson, I'd like to see them straight away. That's all; have a good day."

Rachel said something to Kim before going back to her office; she tried to contact Rebecca Jones' parents but there was no answer. She got herself a coffee before sitting on the sofa, planning the open day; she put her cup down and sighed as she ran her fingers through her left loose, straight hair. A knock on the door disturbed her thoughts; she looked up to see Ros and Chlo walking in.

"Ah, girls, take a seat." She said as she sat up to her desk and they sat opposite her. "I heard you two decided to skip your last two lessons on Friday."

"Yes miss."

"Just after I spoke to you?"

"Yes miss."


They both remained silent.

"I asked you to make sure you got everything Nikki would need; how can you do that if you don't even turn up to the lessons in the first place?"

"Sorry miss."

"You are concerned about Nikki and I understand that but she needs you here, not skipping lessons. You wanna be with her and she appreciates that but if you do it again, im going to have to do something about it. Do you understand."

"Yes miss." They both answered.

"So why did you leave?" Rachel asked.

"When you told us about Nikki, we just wanted to be there for her and I know we should've waited until after school but...we wanted to know she was okay and that she knew we were there for her. We're sorry."

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