Chapter 11

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Two days later, Rachel was in the staff room alongside Kim and the other staff; she held the staff meeting before giving out instructions to each department. She then went and stood in the foyer, greeting parents and members of the community as they entered the building. She noticed Nikki walking through as she was greeting some people; she excused herself and got Kim to take over as she caught up and guided Nikki into the spare classroom. They sat on the table and looked at each other as Nikki put her bag down.

"Nikki, what are you doing here?"

"It's the open day"

"That's not important; you should be at home with your nan"

"I cant; i dont want to"

"I know it's hard..."

"I cant..."

"Too many memories?" She asked.

Nikki nodded, trying not to cry.

"How's your nan doing?"

"Not good; she's been organising the..."

"When is it?"

"Next Wednesday; i think...i was wondering...can you come with me? I cant face it alone?"

"Course i will"


"And you'll have Ros and Chlo too"

"I know"

"Tell you what, why dont you help me out today? Just take it easy and have a break if you need it?" She suggested.

"I'll be fine" she answered, angrily before leaving the classroom.

Rachel sighed before joining the parents again; a while later, she noticed Rebecca and Nikki arguing in the corridor. She guided them to her office where they sat in front of her.

"You too arguing is unacceptable at the best of times but today of all days..."

"Sorry miss" Rebecca said.

"Okay, Rebecca, leave and i will deal with your punishment first thing Monday morning"

"Yes miss"

As Rebecca left and shut the door behind her, Rachel turned her attention back to Nikki as she sat next to her.

"What happened?"


"I know i shouldnt have let you stay"

"She...made a comment about...about my mom"

"What did she say?"

"''s a good thing she's dead with a daughter like me"

"Oh, i can understand why you were arguing then's still not acceptable"

"I'm sorry"

"It's okay; i'll deal with her later. You still want to stay here?"

Nikki nodded.

"Okay; how about you help me, eh?"


"Good, come on then"

Nikki followed Rachel out of the office and back downstairs where she went into the hall to give her introduction speech.

"Why dont you go and sit by Miss Campbell while i just do this?" She suggested.

Nikki nodded and sat down as Rachel stood up on the stage with everyone applauding her.

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