The mission continues

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As they were training for about 4 hours. Y/n was able to teach Pyrrha a few moves when she was able to stagger a demon and how to dodge more effectively. Then they got their gear ready and checked their ammo and Y/n saw that he was low in shells and .50 caliber rounds and out of plasma. Pyrrha only had around 50 rounds in her assault rifle and low in rockets and plasma.

Pyrrha: I'm running low in ammo.

Y/n: Same here. Looks like we need to use our chainsaws to get more ammo.

They went outside and soon they were contacted by Vega.

Vega: Primary access points to the tower were destroyed in the explosion. The pipeline is damaged but still in tact. There are thrust boots in the maintenance hangar. You can use them to traverse the pipeline.

Y/n's pov

Well another thing to gather. I just hope that it won't be to late. May the wraiths help us.

Pyrrha: Doom slayer do you know what is a thrust boots?

Y/n: I don't know but we'll find out once we get there. Let's move.

We walked a round until we saw a door jammed and jumped down and went inside. Though when we got in and turn to the left I saw a demon with two shoulder mountain weapons and is skinny and bone like and the chest has what looks like a jet pack.

Y/n: Open fire it's a fucking revenant.

Third person

Pyrrha was confused on the name until she saw it and just opened fired. Though it did shoot back they dodged it and kept on firing until it was dead. Then they moved down and there was another one and Y/n just took out his chainsaw and cut the other Revenant in half and it spewed out ammunition that was collected from both of them. They check their ammo count and see it fully restored and went to clean up the infestation. Pyrrha managed to stagger a imp and went up to it and lobed it to the air and punched it in the face and saw its head burst and It flew off. Then Y/n overthrow the possessed soldier as he got close to it and stomped on its chest and killed it. They continue to kill until there was no more.

System: Demonic presence eliminated. Lockdown disengaged.

The door opened and they went inside to see a lot of the lockers being left open and hearing the UAC spokesperson saying something about the tower being built etc. As they look around they saw the boots but there was only one pair.

Y/n: Huh so how's it going to work now?

Pyrrha: I don't know. Is there another pair in here?

Y/n: Nope I checked every corner but I did find some interesting stuff.

Vega: I detect another pair of thruster boots nearby. In a decease UAC maintenance personnel near your position.

He marked the location and Y/n looked at the boots and just grabbed them and passed then to her.

Y/n: Here I'll get the other pair.

Pyrrha: Are you sure?

Y/n: Yeah, and as they say "Ladies first". I think.

She chuckles and accepts then and puts them on and checks them out and it fits well. Then when they got out she test then out and sees that she can double jump. Then they go to the location of the other pair that has been located and the corpse was being feasted on by the possessed and so he had to clear them out without harming the boots. He took out his rifle and put the scope on and looked through it and fired on the head effectively killing them instantly. Then he moved in to get the boots and sees them and removes them though they were a bit bloody they still worked. He puts them on and now they are ready to go. They go back in and start to climb to the top and they reached the pipeline and start to make their way there until they were facing Imps.

The huntress of Hell. (A doom reader x RWBY) Where stories live. Discover now