BFG 9000

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The two warriors are getting ready as Pyrrha got out her chaingun ready as Y/n got his super shotgun ready loading two shells. Pyrrha took of her helmet and so did Y/n. To have little snack to have them keep going on. As Pyrrha at the bar and wash it down with water. Y/n drank water first and ate a chocolate bar.

Y/n:*though* I'm never going to get tire of these bars. They are way better than demon meat. Though that pinkie meat was kinda good once roasted.

As Y/n finish the bar he look at Pyrrha who was smiling at his direction. He let out a small smirk, as he pulled Pyrrha over to him.

Y/n: Something on your mind?

Pyrrha: Yeah, That I will,never get tire seeing your face.

Y/n: *chuckle*Quite bold aren't you.

Pyrrha: Yeah maybe you rubbed off a bit on me.

He can see her point of her being more violent and ripping demons apart. He consider it a good change.

Y/n: True.

Pyrrha laugh a bit and soon both of them lean in to each other. Then both of them began to make out. Their session was heated and soon when the elevator stop and the door open they separated. Pyrrha look a bit down whole Y/n curse under his breath for the timing. Though before he placed his helmet back on he gave her a quick kiss as he said.

Y/n: Well continue this another time how about it.

Pyrrha was a bit red and nods her head and they put on their helmets and walked out. Soon they begin to search around the area and collect a pad and killed a few possessed  in close combat and a shot one which has a explosive tank. There they went to the airlock and begin to cycle it. Soon they were out and saw a gore nest and they knew what to do. Pyrrha walk towards it and rip out the heart and soon the demons begin to appear with a few imps with a new one which Y/n hasn't seen a Mancubus like that before which has some parts glowing green and having clean armor.

Pyrrha: What the fuck is that demon.

Y/n: I don't fucking know. Never seen a Mancubus like that before.

There is roared as it fired green acid blast which seem he was some long range shooter compare to the other. Y/n and Pyrrha dodge the shots as Y/n told her.

Y/n: Pyrrha take care of the imps. Leave it to me.

Pyrrha: Alright be careful.

Y/n nods as he charge the thing firing three burst lock on rockets at it. After the third volley it was stun, as Y/n jump on the left arm and ripped off the tube which he can tell was connected to its ammo source. As he jumped off the man made Mancubus exploded into pieces as a new entry come to their huds. Pyrrha notice it after she ripped off the head of the last imps and threw it away.

Pyrrha: Cyber Mancubus. *reads it* What the hell is wrong with the UAC. Giving the Mancubus a upgraded like that

Y/n: They think they can make them into their weapons but this shit happens. It's never a good idea to try to make these things nothing good ever happens.

Pyrrha: True but we may have to face more of them. In future battles and who knows what else.

Y/n nods in agreement. As a normal Mancubus appears and both fought it off as Y/n times or right as he readies a frag grenade and shoes it in its mouth and gets off. In time of it exploding. As a new wave appear of three revenants as Y/n shoots his plasma rifle and Pyrrha switches to her assault rifle with micro missiles killing two. The third one once close enough Y/n jumps on it and stumps his foot on its face. Then another cyber Mancubus appears and opens fire as Pyrrha switches out her rifle for the Gauss canon and shoots at it until she kills it. Once the coast was clear Y/n uses the nearby terminal to open another airlock as the two enter. They wait for the door to open as they choose to upgrade their gear and weapons with the stuff they picked up. Once they go to a area where they have to jump over to the open vent. Where the tunnel leads them to a corridor where they go to a elevated area where they have to jump to reach a open vent and where it leads them to another corridor as they continue their way they get attack by a lone imp which y/n just shoots at the explosive barrel killing it. Then they see a lot of wind being propelle up and once they look up they see a mother way. So they go up the air rift and get in the tunnels where their compass points them the right way. Which is up at a rip open duct and a door still functional. Once they enter the door closes behind them as infected UAC guards and a cyber Mancubus appears and both ready for another fight. As y/n dodge the rapid fire of the guard and manage to get to its side he rams the demons which causes it's body to be crush like a piece of papaer and the second and third were killed by Pyrrha when she use her stun shot to paralyze then as she ran toward them at a high speed and smash both of their heads to the flood. For the Cyber Mancubus shoots multiple shots which one hits Y/n but sees his Aura took the hit and only lower a little bit. He was amaze how it took a shot like that. He guess that with argent energy flowing through him and Pyrrha somehow is making their aura more stronger than they though and maybe making it evolve more than it was intended. He will have to have that though for another time as he charge the Cyber Mancubus with his Gatling gun triple barrel and opened fire at the demon. Giving Pyrrha the time to use her rocket launcher in its lock on triple burst mode to deal the finishing blow.  Once it locked on she fired the three rockets which all three shots hit their mark and soon killing the cyber Mancubus. After the voice said the demonic presence was clear they move towards a eye scanner. Y/n just his face on it and soon it denied it saying they need a yellow security clearance.

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