A brighter tomorrow

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As Y/n and Pyrrha where in the train heading towards their destination. They took a moment to relax as Pyrrha is sitting with her head with the helmet still on was resting on Y/n's shoulder. As for Y/n he finish checking his gear and decided to read a bit to see if he can remember anything from the data they found during their journey. Y/n saw a picture of him holding a demon in the next as a hooded like figure watch over him.

Y/n:*though* Is this the seraphim the message said that gave me the power. Was he the one who talk to me.Maybe still until I see the artifact that needs to be on hold.

Over the next minute the voice of the train said to them.

Facility Voice:Now approaching UAC Advance Research Complex.

Pyrrha got up and began to get ready as she ask Y/n or now DoomSlayer.

Pyrrha: What are we going to do over there Doomslayer?

Y/n: You're guess is a good as mine Pyrrha. For now we need to...

Before he can say anything else a message of a incoming voice comm is being shown to them as it was Samuel. As they pass the open door and into the facility.

Samuel: It's time we meet in person,my office is on the second floor of this facility.

As they stop and look around the dark area with a few signs up and the doors open.

Pyrrha: Guess Samuel wants to meet us. Why?

Y/n: Maybe he has the information we need to stop this madness. As well how to get to the artifact to find the answer how to stop this.

Pyrrha: That makes sense. Though why couldn't he have sent us a voice call about it.

Y/n: Maybe he wants to meet us for a few things. We better not keep him waiting, keep your guard up Pyrrha.

Pyrrha nods and Y/n first stepped out with his Super Shotgun out. Then Pyrrha came out with her assault rifle with the micro missiles. As they continue walking and reaching the flight of stairs the UAC guy came out and said.

UAC Spokesperson:Welcome to the UAC-built on blood, sweat and dreams.

Y/n: Blood and sweat got that right. Dreams more like a living nightmare with a huge body count.

Pyrrha: No kidding.

As they reached the top and as soon they enter the hallway the mancubus appear as flames shot out as some possessed. Pyrrha began to shot it and launched a few micro missiles as all of them hit the target. After that Y/n rushed to the Mancubus as it saw him. It tried to burn him but Y/n was to quick to unloaded the whole super shotgun and was stun and he jumped on it. Then he took out its glowing part and shoved it to its mouth and jump off and walked off slowly with his back to it as it exploded. Though for Pyrrha she shook her head as Y/n came to her.

Pyrrha: Did you really have to do that.

Y/n: Yes, because cool guys don't look at explosions.

Pyrrha: Whatever.

They continue to the way point as they saw the possessed there and found the room as they enter the door. As soon they got in the begun to kill the possessed with just their pistols and fists. Pyrrha shot a charged shot in one in the head killing it as she ripped off the arm of the other and used it to whack it's owner in the head twisting it. For Y/n, he knock one down to the ground and stomped on it as he shot one getting close to him and then it over him and smash it's head in with his fists. As all the possessed were dead the facility voice notify them.

Facility voice:Demonic presence eliminated. Lockdown disengaged.

There the screen was green and Pyrrha went to it,to open the door as Y/n stood guard. Then notice the argent cell there and took one and crushed it. Feeling the energy making him stronger as he gave the other to Pyrrha as she came to him. She did the same crushing it and feeling the energy making herself stronger and notice her Aura is strengthen which made her wonder if it makes it stronger. She then look at Y/n and though maybe now was a good time to ask him.

The huntress of Hell. (A doom reader x RWBY) Where stories live. Discover now