Into hell

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As the Doom Slayer and Pyrrha continue their way to the top of Argent towers they still continue to encounter resistance from multiple demonic forces.

Pyrrha: How many fucking demons are going to appear? *kills a hellknight with the super shotgun*

Y/n: Don't know. Just keep killing and we'll rip and tear them until there are none left. *shoots a rocket at the mancubus and it explodes*

They continue to make their way to the top until they reach the door and they stop when more appeared.

Pyrrha: Son of a bitch. I swear I'm going to go berserk on that Bitch Olivia.

Y/n: Get in line.*reloads super shotgun*

They charged and we're killing them left and right and thanks to their upgrades they put in their suits and weapons made them able to survive the more and more demons that appeared when they go farther. Y/n kneed a Revenant in the head which exploded and Pyrrha killed the mancubus and did a glory kill by moving it's weapon to it's face and made it shoot itself. They continue until the last one has been eliminated. Until a green or appears and when Pyrrha got it is showed to be invulnerability. It didn't last long but it was enough to make it. When the announcement was done they move to the door and found another hologram and along a healing station. They went in and get fully restored. Then they saw a argent cells and they got it and felt even more stronger. Then they made their way to the console and activated the machine. They got out and jumped down to it and they got up. Once they were off to the next one and once they got up to the top they got to the platform. Then they have to jump platform to platform until they have to jump up on the line and up more platforms.

Pyrrha: Why can't we just use a elevator?

Y/n: That bitch locked us out of it.

Pyrrha: Oh right.

Then they saw a few imps. Then they switch to their assault rifle and shoot them and continue their way and made it into a hall way and they saw even more demons appeared. They cleared them out and one they confirmed that none of them were left and went to the door and saw a elevator and according to their radar something was up there so they decided to investigate it. They started to climb up until they saw what looked like a ordinary room and they got up there and Y/n helped Pyrrha up and what they saw made them feel better. There were two weapons that once they picked them up revealed to be guass canons.

Y/n: Perfect just what we needed.

Pyrrha: Agree, But I got a question. How am I able to carry this weapon without much trouble?

Y/n: Maybe it's from the argent energy you absorbed in your body and suit not just from the cells,but also from the demons you have slayed. Since they also carry argent energy.

Pyrrha: Wow!

Y/n: Yep. Now let's find that annoying drone before we move on okay.

She nodded and they went down and found the drone on top of the platform and Y/n said he'll do it and he got up and punched the drone getting the attachments for the both of them.

Y/n: Why can't you be somewhere in the hall. Not in the most least expected places. Where is a pain in the ass to reach to!!

He sigh and went back down and gave her the mods and she decide for choose the precision bolt and Y/n went for the siege mode. Then they continue and until they are climbing up the stairs the and through the door they receive a message from Olivia Pierce.

Olivia Pierce: You cannot stop me from claiming what I am owed - what I was promised.

Once the transmission was done they started to pick up their pace.

Pyrrha: Are we able to reach her in time.

Y/n: I pray to the wraiths we are.

Then they see the white box and went closer until they realized it was like a grenade but instead it was revealed to them that it was a hologram.

Pyrrha: What do we need these for?

Y/n: I think to distract the demons or something so we can get a good shot on them. This will be handy to have. Alright let's move out.

They continue on their way and were trying to find a way up until they saw the elevator and noticed that the hinges were glowing red and so they shoot at then and the elevator came down and they jumped up and up again to a new floor. Then they started to approach the door and they started to pull it open and what they saw was Olivia holding onto the accumulator. They raised their guns and aimed them at her.

Olivia: This is not the end.

Y/n: Don't you do it you sick bitch!

Pyrrha: We won't let you open a portal.

Then she turned the nob OK the accumulator and it started to flash red and she started to back up and she said one last thing before jumping in there.

Olivia: It's only the beginning.

Then she floated into the center of the tower and it began to create a shock wave that knocked back Y/n and Pyrrha. They slowly started to back up.

Y/n: You alright pyrrha?

Pyrrha: I'm fine thank you and how about you?

Y/n: Same but we got other things to deal with.

They saw the demons that came out of it and they responded by shooting at them and ripping them apart. Pyrrha took off the head of the revenant and Y/n punch the possessed in the body then they heard the system saying.

System:Category 3 dimensional event in 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

That made both of them worry a bit as they continue to kill demons. Then it came again.

System: Category 4 dimensional event in 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

Then in a flash of light they were taken into a place where the doom slayer walked into and be fore he was sealed away into HELL.

(sorry if I don't upload a chapter I was busy with work hope you enjoy it and until next time.peace)

The huntress of Hell. (A doom reader x RWBY) Where stories live. Discover now