I am Vega

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Y/n and Pyrrha have appeared due to the tethering from getting the crucible. As they appear back on Mars in another UAC facility that they were soon greeted by Samuel. He went on how surprised he sounded that they have retrieved the crucible and how it is important. For the crucible is the only thing being able to contain the power of the well and to stop the demon invasion.

Pyrrha look at the crucible in Y/n's hands. She wonder how powerful it is, if what Samuel said was true that it could help time skip the invasion. She also knew that Y/n is far more stronger than anyone she have ever know. She doubts that even Ozpin,Ironwood could take him on. More likely that he would shove Ozpin's cane where the sun don't shine while breaking every bone. As for Ironwood, she wasn't surprise to imagine him just ripping off his metal arm and hitting him with it.

Thought she was worried if they ever go to remnant or in her case return. She fear as if they were on remnant Ozpin would try to get Y/n on his side,or worse Atlas try to take him to experiment on him and take his preator suit. Still if they found out about argent energy then it would be Mars all over again. She couldn't let it happen. Then another thought came to her which,the experiments might include herself, since her body has been able to adapt to argent energy coursing through her. Every time she killed a demon she felt more of the argent energy enter her. She felt stronger, rejuvenated than the last time. But doubt that she is the same as Y/n. Since he has many eons doing it. Who knows how strong he is.

To be honest she wouldn't be surprised if he tried to take on the brothers head on. Now that would be a show she wouldn't mind seeing. She broke off her own thoughts as she focus back on the mission. Stopping Olivia and sealing the portal.

Then both her and Y/n continue on the facility, they they were soon informed that this is the facility that Vega was made and how much power shock them. When the plan to use the power to send them to where the well is located. But it would come at a cost,which became clear that doing so would terminate Vega permanently. Which made Y/n mad as he had flashbacks from Argent'D nur as how many innocent people died along with his wife and son.

Still for most of the journey Vega has been a great help. To need to kill Vega in order to get to the well and close the portal. There has to be a different way. Unfortunately they don't have the time to figure it out. As they continue on their way. On the way down Y/n landed on top of a imp and smashed it's head in with his boot. Then Pyrrha killed the other by smashing it's chest on.

First they needed to shut down the security network from two levers. When they found the first Y/n pulled down while his preator suit was able to withstand the power surge. Then demons came out and they fought the small demon horde. Pyrrha finish the last one by shoving a grenade in its mouth as it blew up taking half of the body with it. There they found the second lever and Y/n told Pyrrha to get back up to the terminal to gain access to it. She saw it pop up as she put in the info.

Once that was done they were inform that the next step was to take out the cooling cores. As they fought their way through more demons that were dumb enough to be on their way. During the fighting in another room they split up to find the cooling cores much faster as when the first two were destroyed. More demons appeared and they fought and destroyed the other two as Pyrrha killed a revenant with her super shotgun as she turn to look at Y/n ripping off the Baron's head off.

Vega informed them that they now have to take a rail system to reach his core as they proceeded to do. As they jump down and continued on their way as before they enter they needed to eliminate the demonic presence since they are determined to stop them.

Y/n: Seems we are getting close to it as Vega said. Since "they" have given up a warm welcome.

He says as he kills a cyber Mancubus by throwing a grenade in its mouth as it blew up.

Pyrrha: It's important that we stop this madness once and for all. But,I don't want to let Vega die,even if it means we can stop this invasion.

Y/n: I know Pyrrha. Same here, Vega isn't like others. Even though he's a AI, he is more human than most of the UAC and their fucked up research. I mean any sane man would think weaponized demons are a bad idea.

Pyrrha: Right, sometimes greed and power can corrupt anyone if it means they can achieve more of it. At any cost.

Y/n nods as he takes out the BFG as he is seeing a nice array of four Baron's of hell with two Mancubus and a cyber one. That practically says use the BFG on me. So he did as the weapon neutralize them and they took out the stragglers.

Y/n: I guess you have a company similar to the UAC,if I guess correctly.

Pyrrha: Yeah, the schnee dust company. Weiss's father is similar to Olivia except for the whole demon contact you know.

Y/n nodded as he can get a picture but decided that would be a matter for another day as they have a job to do. When they got to a conveyor platform and they soon were taking it up to Vegas core. Soon they arrived as they saw the large core and needed to remove two parts which they did and soon were in the console.

As Pyrrha killed worried as Y/n went to active it and soon a option to initial the self destruction was. His hand was hovering to it but his eye caught something. He ignore Samuel and Vega talking as he saw the option to back up Vega. With the small flash back to seeing the disaster of Mars and who knows how many innocent lives lost.

Y/n:*thought* No more innocent lives will be taken today. Vega will live on.

He presses on the backup Vega as he waited for it to complete. When it was complete he took out the chip containing Vega as he stored it in his preator suit. The core began to light up, Y/n turn to Pyrrha even though she was wearing her helmet. He can sense that she was proud of his voice to save Vega.

He was right as under her helmet she have a smile to Y/n.

Y/n: Ready to finish this fight?

Pyrrha: Yes, I'll stand with you to the very end.

Soon the core exploded taking the two, where it would be their final battle. To seal the well and stopping hell's invasion.

A/n: Hope you guys enjoy it and for context I try to fix the lore is the book. Since before Doom Eternal, I was using a well respected theory among the fans about the Doom Slayer's origin. Also decided to keep the family to give more depth to the character than being a Doomguy rip off. Anyway until next chapter and stay safe and clean out there.

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