Chapter 26

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*** Bree's pov ***

We all though that it'd be nice out for a walk and when I say we I mean Chandler Sam and I. I really don't know where we are going I think we are heading back to Sam's houes because where in the woods trails and you can ether get to Sam's or Gary's home from back here.

OW! MY BUTT! I say turning around to see Chandler with a big stick in his hands.

What? Chandler said putting the sick behind his back.

You just hit me in the butt with a stick! I said pointing to it and hearing Sam laughing.

But there's nothing be hind me... Chandler said.

Well I think we should have stick war! Sam said grabbing 2 sticks and passing me the small one. Great!

Oh come on guys this is so not fair! I said looking at my small stick. But as I look over to my right I see the river. Mm I have an idea...

Oh come on Bree! They other said at the Sam time.

You know what I guess it's fair. I said.

Ok good I'll give you a 10 second start! Chandler said with a smirk.

Ok! I said running on the other side of the river. (The river is only up to your ankles)

*** Chandlers pov ***

What is she doing she just rain across the river.. I said to Sam.

I know what she's doing! Sam said starting to run after her.

WAIT WHAT IS SHE DOING!?! I yell to Sam.

You will see! He yelled back.. But I don't see him anymore.. Where did he go? Maybe he's with Bree, I don't really know... Oh god what if he's teamed up with her or something and here going to scare me!

RUN CHANDLER RUNNN! Sam says zooming passed me. As I look over I see Bree with a bucket of water running after us! Where did she get that thing!? Oh I know where! She got it by Sam's raft thing! As I starting running I look behind me and Bree's gone! Where the hell did she go! By now Sam's probably home from running the rest of the way.. Just think as I turn the coring water slashes me in the face!

HAHA! I got you! Bree yells while laughing.

Ugh gross! I say smelling my self.

I smell like crap! Give me a hug! I say to Bree walking up to her with my arms open.

Oh hell nah! Stay away from me swap boy! She says stating to run.

HA got you! I say as I rap my arms around her from the back.

Eww get off of me you do really smell! She says trying to get out of my grip.

Nope now you have to kiss me! I say Turing her body around so her face is to me.


Oh come on! You know you want to. I say pulling her closer to me.

Fine! I guess that's what I get for slashing water all over you... She said smiling.

*** Sam's pov ***

Well I think that Bree got Chandler there not back yet.. So I'm home alone.. Well not really my moms home and dad... I mean like friends mine here alone I guess I can text Erin to see if she wants to come over and I can ask her out maybe I don't know yet haha...

*** text***

To Erin❤️😏

Hey hot stuff! XD lol

To Sam😵😻
From Erin❤️😏

Lol hey cutie😉😳 what's up?

To Erin❤️😏

Nothing really just wanted to know if you what like to come over now or later! To hang :)

To Sam😵😻
From erin ❤️😏

Sure I'll come over now! :D

*** off text ***

Oops i forgot to ask my mom or dad... Whatever I never really ask them anyways.. If she's coming over now I guess I can take her on the raft thing and I can ask her out on that thing! Ya I think I'll do that id be kinda cute haha.. Oh the doorbell! She got here fast!

Hey er- or not! Come in Bree and Chandler... I say stepping aside.

Eww Chandler you smell like shit! I say plugging my noise.

Hey it's not my fault this beautiful thing splashed me! Wait not just beautiful but evil thing! Over here!
He said nudging her.

HEY! But thank you on the beautiful part.. Not the evil. She said giving him a death stair..

Ok don't mean to sound mean or anything guys but you have to go! Erin is coming over any second and I would love it of you left! Cuz this is really important to me! I said pushing them out the door! And plus Chandler you STINK!

Well ok then bye! They other said at the same time.

*** Chandlers pov ***

Ok so can we go back to your or my place so I can change and shower? I said looking at Bree.

Ya sure lets go to my place you still have your things there and clean cloths from like 1 or 2 months and the one shirt that you have been looking for.. Your Foo Fighters band shirt is there. I said laughing.

OMG you really had it there the hole time and never told me! I said looking at her with wide eyes.


Wow!!!! I said

As Bree and I walked back to her place it was starting to get dark out and a little cold my cloths where a little wet from the water.. Oh well were not not that far aways now!
That reminds me! I have to go back for season 5 of The Walking Dead and I should tell her about that and plus it's in L.A where Hana lives and my dad and I have to rent a home down there her a few months for the show... I wonder when I should tell her or should I come out with it now!
That's what I'm going to do!

Umm... Bree I have to tell you something... I said looking at the ground.

What's up? She said with a smile witch I hope I don't brake!

Ihavetogobackandworkwiththewalkingdeadinl.a! I said really fast.

Umm? Wha? She said razing an eye brow. But Hana lives there and I don't want you to cheat on me!

Wow you heard me! And I won't do that Bree I love you and only you no matter what happens even when I smell this bad from you! I say looking at her in the eyes.

Ok good just don't fall for her tricks ok! She said walking in the houes and shutting the door be hind me..

Bree I won't do that trust me! I said taking her hand.

Well do you know how long your going to be up there? She said grabbing me in a hug.

For just a few months that's all.. I said not letting go.

Chandler... That's long! And that's really long with Hana... She said sounding like she wanted to cry.

Don't worry nothing will happen with Hana and I! Like I said I only love you and one you!

Ya I know I do trust you just not Hana! She said letting go of the hug.

I won't fall for anything! Bree I love you!! Ok! I said kissing her cheek and I started to walk up stairs.

Ok I love you too!

I'm going to have a shower! I'll miss you! I said laughing.

Haha funny Chandler I'll miss you too..


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