Chapter 31

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**** Chandlers pov****

It was Ty and Hana I don't know why Ty would be with Hana with out Brooke....Bree don't know Ty so I think I talk to him later and him and I can meet up and I'll bring Bree so they can meet!...

Chandler? Why are we going to the back? Bree asked as we walked in the back doors.

You will see! I said as I pulled her to where Norman was sitting.

Hey Norman! I said.

Hey Chandler! And this must be the lovey Bree! He said putting if hand out.

Ya it is Haha. I said

Nice to meet you Norman! Bree said shaking his hand.

You know Bree...on set this kid talks about you all the time... Norman said smirking at me.

What? No I don't! I said feeling my face go red.

Yep he does he always says stuff like " I can't wait to see her beautiful face" and " wow she's the most funniest girl" but you get the point Bree. He said laughing.

Haha I get the point haha thanks Chandler I guess I love you too. She said grabbing my hand.

Thanks Norman! I we really wanted to do is get a photo and stuff but it's fine you can tell her what I say... I say looking at the ground.

Chandler don't be's cute what you say! Bree said laughing and kissed my cheek.

I'm not mad... I said

Oh ok Chandler. Bree and Norman said.

As Bree talked and got photos and stuff with Norman I saw Ty and Hana walk in but I didn't say anything but it really never bugged me cuz if Bree was happy I was too. But ya I was a little mad when Norman was saying all that stuff...

This only happens ones in a life time (chandler riggs)Where stories live. Discover now