Chapter 10

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I lean in and I kissed her right on the lips and she just kissed me right back she never hesitated but with her it didn't feel right.. But whatever I guess I should ask her out now hah..

Hey Lizzie.. As I pulled away from the kiss

Ya! she said looking like the happiest person alive

I wanted to know if you would like to go out with me I said kinda wired.

I would love too but Aren't you dating Bree??

Ya I mean no I broke up with her not to long ago. I said trying to sound happy about it.

Oh how come? She said kinda confused.

Well all we did was fight and I was getting tired of it..

Oh what where you guys fighting about all the time? She said like she knew.

Well... It was about....y-y..nothing it was about nothing just stupid stuff really. I said not wanting to get her upset. But then it just hit me maybe she did want me and Bree to brake up!! No no that's silly what am I thinking haha..

......Bree's pov......

Well today I have to go to set and film more walking dead.. But one things for sure I don't wanna see chandler at all ugh god but I have to work with him.. Eww.. But I still love him, his smile, laugh, his looks, style... EVERYTHING!
God help me..

--------2 hr later-------

Ok everyone knows what to do this episode Bree as y/n you have to kiss chandler as Carl now there should be nothing wrong with that you two are dating! The director said

Chandler: oh ummm nope where not dating I'm dating Lizzie... Me and Bree Broke upp..

Wait what did he just say that him and Lizzie are dating how come I never knew this!!!!

Bree?? Breeeee?? Said the director.

Wha wha sorry ya me and chandler are over and him and l-l-Lizzie now.. I said sounding annoyed.

Oh ok well you two still have to kiss. Ok?? He said

Ok whatever.. Chandler said.

---------on set-------

Carl: y/n come on we have to go someone's in the house

Y/n: ok ok

Rick: ok let's get out through the back window.

Ok! Both you and Carl say.

Carl: wait y/n I just want to say that I love you!

As Carl said that y/n and him kissed

Y/n: wow

Rick: come on you two! Let's get out now!!

------end of set-----

-------Bree's pov-----

Wow I did mean that wow on set I guess I still do really love him if I was that happy that he kissed me.. But like he said HES DATING LIZZIE!! God! So he Probably didn't feel the same. Whatever I guess wow look at the time it's 10:50 I guess I should get to bed.

Ok the end :) I hope you liked it pls comment if you did because I feel like no ones reading this anymore I will keep on making more tho but umm ya byee.

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