Chapter 30

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***** Bree's pov *****

I'm so excited my mom and I are going to L.A. To go to the Comicon and I get to spend time with Chandler I can't wait it's going to be amazing he's going to be Carl and I'm going to Lizzy! I don't know how's going to be there tho and I want to meet people and take photos with other people with amazing customs and other stuff! Oh and I also get to stay the night that Chandlers too... It's funny how Gary told me to look In Chandler's phone to see if he's been texting Hana but I'm not going to cuz like I said it's wired and a little creepy... I wouldn't want anyone looking in my phone with out me knowing... I don't have anything to hide tho but still it's wired... As I finish packing for L.A. I hear my mom yelling from down stairs.

Hun? Are you almost done we have to catch the flit soon. She said from down stairs.

Ya mom I'm almost done. I said throwing my phone charger in my bag.

Ok! Hurry! She said

As I walk down stairs I see her standing by the door waiting for me.

Ready? She said opening the door.

Yep! I'm so excited! I get to see Chandler and go to the comicon! As we walked to the car and my mom open the trunk and put my and her stuff in it.

I'm glad! That your excited... She said as we got in the car.

***** Chandlers pov *****

To day is that day that Bree comes over I can't wait and also the comicon! I talked to Norman and he said that Bree and I can get a photo with him and sighed thing too for her, she's going to be so happy!.... I have to ask the director if I can brow my hat and cloths off set for the comicon! And Bree said that she already have a look a like of Lizzy's clothing witch is grate and maybe I can get her in to the contest for the best dressed curators and maybe we will win or something.. I'm going to text Bree to see if she's in the plane!

To: Bree 😍😗

Hey r u on the plane yet?

From: Bree 😍😗

Ya I am! I'm so happy that I get to see you! I miss you so much!

To: Bree 😍😗

I miss you too and I can't wait for you to get here I have something for u!

From: Bree 😍😗

Really? Ok I'll see you when I get there I'm going to take a nap!

To: Bree😍😗

Ok love.

---- off phone -----

Mmm I just got a text from says " hey Chandler I just want to say sorry for the other night and I really felt something between us when you kissed me.." Wow well I didn't and I'm not going to respond to her too This day is based on Bree and only her! So Hana can go and maybe I'll text her later tonight and talk to her and ask her why she told everyone that I was her boyfriend... I really didn't like that one bit!

---- 2 hours later ----

Chandler! Bree's here! My dad yelled form down stairs.

As I rain down stairs and saw her standing there I ran right put to her and hugged for a tight as I could and kissed her cheek! I didn't want to kiss her on the lips when my dad and her mom was standing there. That would be a little wired if you ask me haha but all that matters to me that Bree here now! So I pull her up to my room.

As we walked in my room I took her stuff and put it in the corner of my room.

Wow your dad rented a nice beach Houes for the summer! She said as she sat on the bed.

Ya I know but it 1000% times better now that your here! I said as I pulled her back up and held her wast to my body.

Your such a nerd Chandler! She said as she kiss my lips.

I try! I said as I kissed her back.

Lets go down to the beach until I have to go film for an hour. I said pulling her back down stairs and out to the beach.

**** Bree's pov ****

As Chandler and I walked down side the water holding hands I felt my phone go off but I ignored it.

Chandler what are you doing!?! I yelled while giggling.

Just going to throw you in the water that's all! He said as he was lifting me.

What no! If your throwing me in the water your coming with me! I said as I hooked my arms around his neck.

Ok then on a count of three and I'll throw you! He said walking in the water.

No! Don't please! I said holding on even titter.

1...2....3! He said.

Ahh!...wait you didn't do it! Thank g-! I said to soon as he throw me in. The water.

HAHAHA! I hear him laughing. I so got you, you really though I was not going to do it but I did! HAHAH! As he still laughs.

Wow! well I'm going back to the hotel room and change and dry my hair of you are leaving in a half hour. I said as I got out of the water. OH SHIT MY PHONE! I yelled as I pulled out a really wet phone from my pocket.

Oh my god! Bree I'm so sorry is he dead? Chandler said as he ran over to me.

Ya I think it's dead it won't turn on... I said looking a a black screen.

Bree I'm so so sorry! He said.

Chandler it's fine! I was going to get a new one anyways... I said as we started walking daed to the houes.

As Chandler and I walked back in the Houes and walked up stairs for me to change we only have 20 minutes to get to the set.

You guys better hurry! Will said as we walked up stairs for me to change.

We will. Chandler said right be hind me .

**** Chandler's pov****

I feel really bad for what I did to Bree's
Phone... She said that she was getting a new one I could tell she was lying to try to make me feel better... I'm going to give her my old one my iPhone 5 I don't need it because I have the new Galaxy S5... so I'll give it to her.


As we got to the set of The Walking Dead as I told Bree that she could sit over on the side and watch me for just an hour and we can go to the comicon! And I'm going to ask the director if I can use my custom for the comicon.

Seth! I said as I walked over to him.

Ya? Chandler? He said

After we are done here can I use my clothing for the comicon? With Bree. I asked as he looked at me wired... I hope he's not going to say no.

Umm I don't know Chandler.. If I say yes you have to make sure you don't rip them or do anything to them ok? Seth said giving me a Death stare.

Ok I won't I primes! Thanks to much! I said as I walked over to the dressing room to get ready for filming.

~~~~ 1 hour later ~~~~~

As Bree and I walked out of the set and to her moms car for her mom to drop us off at the comicon. She already changed in my dressing room when I was on set. As I'll tell you she looked just like Lizzy....well her clothing and hair. As we arrived at the comicon and got out the car I see everyone lined up.

Wow there is a lout of people here! Bree said taking my hand.

Ya I know but what did you expected? Haha I said walking to the back as we are allowed.

As we walked in I saw someone that looked really familiar... It's!

The end for this chapter I hoped you liked it! Love you guys and hope you have a good weekend I know it's Tuesday now but whatever BYEEE! (It's 12:00 am where I live so ya Tuesday lol byee) :) oh crap wait! In the cover pic it's Hana on the left and Chandler in the middle and then Bree on the right! Ok now bye!!

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