Chapter 39

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*** Chandlers pov ***

So I'm thinking that to day I'm going to ask Bree out...when I was talking to her she said "she was sorry for storming out like that" and I said that is was fine and that I wanna talk to her so I also asked her if I can meet her at the park and she said ya so later at like 12:00 pm I'm going to see her and brake it! Witch I'm not that happy about she's amazing girlfriend but Rachael! She's more in to the things I like! All Bree's really in to is skateboarding and video games and music..and well I like all that but skating I can't do's just Rachel loves reading the same video games as I and she don't like skateboarding...but ya I'm going to end it with Bree..

Chandler are you ending it today? Rachel asked.

Ya..ya I am. I said.

Ok good! I love you Chandler! She said kissing my cheek.

Oh ugh I love you too... I said half smiling.

Who are you texting? I asked Rachel.

Oh just Brodie! That's all I'm just talking to him..about ugh... How I want to meet up with him when I get back...but he don't know that I'm ending it yet soo I'm just not really being so flirty..with him so he kinda knows something up. She said still looking at her phone.

Oh ok. I said.

*** Rachel's pov ***

I was not lying I am texting brodie but...I'm not going to brake up with him! Are you kidding me! He's so much better then Chandler it's just that if I did brake up with Brodie id be lonely when Chandler leaves for like Comicons and likes the point of braking up with Brodie...that's not bad right?? Whatever plus I'm kinda using Chan for fame and stuff...and maybe a part on the walking dead? Now would that be cool!?! Or what? And no I don't feel bad about Chandler ending with Bree like she don't need him! She can get any guy that she wants! Like if she wanted to she can go out with Sam or Calin or even Grayson! And Grayson's hared to date but with the pics I see him with her I can tell he likes her! But I'm 99.9% sure that Sam still likes it's kinda noticeable! He talks about her all the time and I always she with Bree today or with Bree and the guys! But whatever! I get Chandler and Brodie! She had dated brodie too but I get them both! And I can rub it in her face! But not anytime soon maybe later in life!

**** Bree's pov ****

Hana? Is it ok if I just go to the park with Chandler for like maybe an hour? I ask her.

Ugh ya that's fine! I'll be here if you need something. She said. But she also said something under her breath...I didn't get really..

Ok! Thanks! Bye Hana! I said walking out the door.

Bye! I heard her yell as I walked out.

---- at the park ----

Hey Chandler! I said smiling.

Hey are you? He asked.

I'm good! You? I said still smiling.

I'm good...I guess... He said looking at the ground.

What the matter? I asked I can tell something wrong.

It's just...I have to... I-i- I have to pee! He said running to the washrooms.

Ok?..wired. I said walking over to the swings.

Ok back! He said running over and siting on the other swing.

So what did you really have to tell me? I said laughing.

Ugh nothing! He said smiling.

Oh how's you and Rachel! I asked

What do you mean by that!?! We're not dating! He said jumping off the swing. Like I scared him or something.

Wow there cowboy! I said laughing. I mean how's you twos friendship?

Oh! Ugh really good! He said smiling.

Good! are you sure you don't have to tell me anything?.. You seem really jumpy! I said still swinging.

Ugh well kinda..he said looking at the gravel.

Ok tell me! I said

First get off the swing so you don't hurt your self. He said.

Oh ok..I laughed.

As I walked over to Chandler he took me by the waist and tiled my chin and looked me right in the eyes and said.

Bree it's over...

Whoa! What! I said pushing him away.

I'm sorry it's just Rachael and I have really hit it off and we kissed and I fell really hared for her! He said.

I should have believed Hana! I said running away ready to cry.

Hana!?! I could hear him yell.

---- back at Hana's ----

Bree it's ok!! Trust me! When I broke up with Chandler ya it was really hared and all but you'll get over it! She said trying to confute me.

I-I-should have'd believed you more! I said thro subs.

Its ok. You where his girlfriend! No one would have believed me if they where dating Chandler or anyone. She said.

Ya I guess soo... I said.

How'd you even get over him I asked.

Well...I don't really know I just has amazing friends and they helped me like Ty and Brooke helped me the most..I think Ty liked me tho! She said laughing at the last part.

Haha..ya I think so too and your right I do have amazing friends! You Sam and Gary! I said.

Hey! And also Brooke she really does like you! Hana said.

Ya..I guess I just haven't talked to her in a while. Wait wait! Brooke and Ty aren't they dating??. I said

Well not anymore..Ty ended it. Brooke was upset too. She said you said about Chandler I think anyone would be upset if Ty ended it. I said.

Yaaa...oh ya! Talking about them! I was wondering if Brooke and Ty can come over! She asked.

Ugh...Hana you live here not me...I said laughing a little.

Ya I know! I was just asking cuz well Chandler know...ya I know. I said cutting her off.

Ok so it's fine? She asked.

Yep! I need to get my mind.. Off things. I said.

Ya! That's good thinking. She said.

Just then Hana's phone went off.

Hello? She said and walking in the other room.

*** Hana's pov ***

Chandler! Your an ass hole! I said over the phone.

Well I'm sorry! I like Rachael now! He said yelling over the phone.

Whatever! I'm leaving I don't want talk to you! I said and hanging up.

Ugh Chandler can be really nice but every guy has a dick side! And ya he has one! But whatever it's going to be an awesome night! With Brooke and Ty! So we don't she to worry about anything!

So yep! Bree and Chandler are over! Next Chapter is the last one! Do you want a book 2 or nah...or a new one like a y/n one or a different girl? I don't really care what one I have so many ideas for all of them! So ya I hope you liked it and see you next Chapter! Byee :) :D

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