This is for twdcarllikespudding

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You and chandler have been dating for 5 months now and to day is the day you two met and he wants to do something special for you.

----- chandlers pov -----

So to day is the day Kylie and I have met and I want to do something I want NO! HAVE to make it the best day ever for her. We met to day April 9th we where at a meet and great and I thought she was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen... When she was next in line to see me I couldn't talk..I was so nervous she scared me not to talk I don't know why tho but when she have me her phone to take a picture with her I put in my number she never saw she thought it was fake at first until I sent her a pick with me and Sam and that's when she believed me! I'm going to get ready and plan the day out for her.

----- Kylie's pov-----

Wow I can't believe it this day is the day me and chandler met I so have to get him something but I don't Know what....wait I know I'll get him Foo Fighter tickets! Ya I'm going to do that. That's his favourite band! There playing in two weeks here! I remember when we started talking and all he talked about was seeing that band live! Well to day I'm going to make that wish come true!

---- 2 hours later----

-----chandlers pov---

I guess I should text her now and tell her to get ready so I can go pick her up I have the day all planed out for her well us!

-----on phone texting----

To: Kylie 💜

Hey baby I hope your ready for the day I wanna take out out make sure you pack some clothes for tomorrow where we're going you will need them!

To; chandler 😘

Ok will do!

To: Kylie 💜

I'll come get you in a half hour

----half hour later-----

----chandler pov----

As I pull up to her home I see her standing there ready to go (btw were In a limo) as she walks over to get in I get out and put her bags in the back.

Hey baby let me get that! I say as I kiss her cheek.

Thanks! She says with a smile.

As we get back in the limo I look over at Kylie.

Hey are you ok you look nervous?

Ya Im fine I just don't know where we're going..

Well I'm not going to kill you haha!

I know I know. She said kinda laughing.

Well I can't tell you but you will see when we get there. We are going to three places. I said smiling

Oh really where! She said smiling.

I said I can't tell you silly!

Ok ok I can kinda not wait just for you.

----20 mins later---

Here we are! I said jumping out of the car.

We're at a carnival! She said screaming like a little kid.

We have to go on like EVERYTHING! She said running.

Ok ok wait up for me! I said running after her.

-----3 hrs later---

Wow that was so fun I loved it! But I'm kinda hungry... She said with a said face

Well that's good let go and get!

Are we going to the. Olive Garden?

Yes, yes we are! That was the second place!

Yay that's my favorite restaurant! She said smiling.

Ya I know!

---- at the restaurant----

-----your pov----

After the awesome day! At the carnival I'm going to give chandler the Foo Fighter concert ticket! As the as the waiter takes down what we want and walks away I look at chandler.

What? She said laughing

Well I wanted to say that to day has been amazing and now I have something to give you!

What is it!?! He said all most jumping out of his chair.

Here! I said giving him the ticket.


Let's just say I never forget!

Oh my god I love you Kylie!

I love you too chandler!

As we eat and talk for a few hours go by and just then chandler says we have to go now but I just go with the flow and go with him.

----on the plane---

Chandler why are we on a plane where are we going? I said kinda wired

You will see.. Just get some sleep you will be there soon! He said with a wink.


----A while later----

As I wake up I see that everyone is going off the plane... But I still don't know where we I walk off the plane I see chandler putting our stuff in the back of another limo I ask him where we are.

Chandler where are we? Can you tell me now!?

Yep, where in Paris!

What!....chandler! This is amazing! Wow I love you!

Anything for you baby and I love you too!


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