Chapter 28

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**** Bree's pov ****

So after the wired but funny thing that just happened with Chandler brother Grayson that little boy I tell you!.. Well he's not that little now he just turned 12 maybe a week ago.... Chandlers gone for filming for the summer he will be back here and there but still I'm going to miss him like crazy! But he got me plane tickets to see him anytime of then summer but I don't want to see him cuz then I can't see him the rest of the summer until he come over for a nigh or something so I'm not going to use the tickets until I really have to...

BREE COME DOWN HERE! My mom yelled from down stairs... I think I'm in trouble..

Ya mom? I said walking in to the living room.

I want to ask you something. She said patting a spot be side her on the couch.

Ok what? I said looking and sitting down.

How much do you miss Chandler? She asked me

Words can't explain it! Mom! I said yelling a little but on the bright side I'm not in trouble.

Ok that's all I need to ask you, you can go back up stairs. She said.

Wha? That's all?.... Really?


Oh ok. I said walking back up stairs.

WAIT sorry come back down! She said yelling.

Oh my god! I just walked back up can you just yell it to me! I said standing at the top step.

Do you want to go to go to the Comicon in L.A.?

Wait did she say L.A I'm so up for that Chandler is in L.A. Maybe I can see him or better yet I can get him to come to the comicon with me and see everything!

YA SURE MOM! I said yelling really happily.

**** Chandler Pov ****

I ran in to Hana ones so fair... I talked to her I didn't want to be mean all she wanted to talk about was her and I she was saying like remember how happy we where and stuff like that and I just played along and just agreed with her and she also asked why I was here in L.A and I told her that I was filming for The Walking Dead she asked if I wanted to hang out sometime and I said sure cuz well like I said I don't want to be mean I can't say no soo what would I do? Maybe her and I can just be friends she seems ok now un like last time.. But oh well I have her number still so I'll text her and see what's up and I'll also text Bree but Hana first... Wait is that bad? Nah I don't think so...

To Hana 😱

Hey let's hang soon! When ya free?

From Hana 😱

Umm tonight we go to a party! :D

To Hana 😱

Ya sure what time? Should I be there?

From Hana 😱


To Hana 😱

K see ya

Ok there I'm off with Hana now to text Bree and see what's up or better yet I'll call! I can't FaceTime I don't have my iPhone I only have my galaxy.

I after to rings she picks up.

Hey baby! She said sounding really happy.

Hey how are you?

I'm good I'm so happy that you called I have something to ask and tell you!

This only happens ones in a life time (chandler riggs)Where stories live. Discover now