Chapter 38

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....2 Weeks later....

--- Bree's pov ---

It's been one day that Iv been at Chandlers he's been acting wired like if I tried to kiss or hug him he'd just back away...I don't know why I have also tried talking to him but he ignores me...but when Rachel talks to him he's all up for it! Like I'm not here! But other then that I have talked to Hana every day! We have really gotten to know one and other she's really funny and cool! Have a I talked to Erin? No...why? Well she never answers me so I just gave up! I think just cuz I hang with Sam she just hates me but...whatever I have Hana we have really gotten close! I have helped her with all the hate that she gets from people calling her a "slut" "just go kill your self" ect...but she's also helped me but she's been saying that Chandlers wanting to talk to me about something but he's never owned up to it...

Bree? Rachel said.

Oh ugh ya? I said.

Can you stay away from Chandler? She asked nicely but still hit me.

Oh..ugh...YA NO! He's my boyfriend not yours! I said raising my voice a little.

Ok! But whatever Bree! You better get ready for a wiled ride! She said pushing me.

What? Does that mean..I asked

You'll see! She said walking away.

Ok that was wired?...I kinda wish Chandler was here so I can talk to him but he's filming. And I'm hanging out with Hana soon so I won't have to deal with Rachael...I'm meeting her at the mall at 1 witch is in 10 I should get ready!

....10 mins later....

I'm at the mall and waiting for Hana she said she's just walked in the doors and heading to Starbucks in the mall and that's where I am so I just have to wait like a minuet... Kinda not really?.

Hey Bree! I hear Hana say.

Oh hey! How are you! I say standing up and hugging her.

I'm grate! You? She asked hugging back.

Also grate! I said letting go and walking out the store.

Good! So ugh has Chandler talked to you yet? She asked.

Nope....but Rachel told me to get ready for a wiled ride? Whatever that means..I said heading to forever 21

Well I mite as well tell...she said

Ok go on..

Chandler has been telling me that he and Rachael are a thing now and that he wants to brake up with you but he don't know how so he's just going to wait until the right time...she said

Oh..I said looking at the floor.

Ya! Look I'm sorry! If you want you can spend the week at my place and not his! And we can have a girls week! She said smiling trying to make me feel better.

Ok! Id like that! I said cracking a smile.

Cool now! Answer this! Would this pink crop too look good on me? She asked.

Yes! It would look amazing! I said laughing.

Ok good! What are you going to get? She asked holding a purple crop top up to me.

Ugh I don't know..would that look good on me? I asked

Yes! That's why I was holing it up to you! She said laughing.

///// 3 hours later /////

Ok! I'll go grab my things and we can walk over to your place! I said running up starts to the guest room.

Ok! She yelled.

As I walked in I see Chandler siting on the bed...hear we go!

Bree what's this? He asked showing the photo of me and Gray.

It's not what you think! Chandler Gray was just helping me throw the crowed that's all. I said grabbing my cloths and putting them back in my bag.

Oh ok...ugh are you leaving? He asked

Ya...I'm going to spend the rest of the week at Hana's..why do you even care? You have Rachel...I said walking to the door to get back to Hana.

I care cuz I wanna talk to you! He said grabbing my arm.


Ugh..Chandler said letting go.

Ya that's what I thought. I said walking to Hana.

---- Chandlers pov ----

I guess she's right I do have Rachel...but I don't know why she thought that I wanted to brake up with ya I do want to it's just I needed to talk to her about something els..that's why It shocked me and that's why I went I didn't know what to say...but other then that I had a fun day filming! Well like always! I'm thinking about taking her glow in the dark mini golf! I think it'd be fun! But I almost for got the pic of Gray and Bree it kinda bugs me...I don't know why I had a wired feeling in my it was trying to tell me something..but what..

Hey Rachel? I asked

Ya? She said with that amazing smile.

I was thinking! Let's go on a little date! I wanna take you glow in the dark mini golf! What do ya say? I asked.

I would love it! She said still smiling.

Oh ugh...have you talked to your boyfriend soon to be ex? I asked she said.

Oh...I kinda have talked to Bree. I said.

Oh and what did you say?

Umm I just asked her about a pic with her and Gray is about. And she told me. I said.

That all? She asked

Nope...then I said I have to talk to you. But then she blow up yelling " what so you wanna brake up with me!?" Or how ever she said it. I said

Well did You say anything? She asked.

Kinda...I said ugh..

Wow Chandler! She said laughing.

What I was shocked! She yelled at me. I said kinda laughing.

Ok...did she say anything els? She asked

Nope! That's let's go golf! I said standing up.

Ok! She said.

So this is the end of this Chapter only 2 more left and this book is done! Like I said in the last Chapter what kind of book do u want next? So tell me I wanna hear form you guys!

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