Just before school... Pt. 3

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"Hello, Clara. It's nice to see you again."


I started to have a small panic attack. Joseph walked around the register and looked dead at me. I screamed.

I screamed so loud, that he had made a face that looked he was really constipated. The register lady looked at me worryingly, grabbed a phone, took a picture of Joseph, and called the police.

Wait a minute! My button!

I pressed my button. What was taking Ryan so long? I knew that Seth wouldn't be here because when he left the ice cream shop, he went the opposite direction of us. My panic attack only got worse as I started to think about it.

Next thing I knew, Joseph was about to stroke my check. I slapped his hand out of the way, which caused him to slap my face. Really hard too. Looks like I am going to have a new bruise visit the family.

"I really didn't want to do that, sweetie, but you were being a bad girl, and bad girls get slapped and disciplined. I'm going to take you h-" Joseph said, but was interrupted by someone.

"Leave my sister alone! Oh, and you are also under arrest!" A voice said. That's Ryan!

"Put your hands in the air, and get on your knees! Anything you say will count against you in court!" The police started saying the Miranda rights.

The police!

The register lady grabbed my arm, and pulled me out of the way. Thank the lord for her!

"I will be back for you, Clara! Even if I have to kill your family to do so!" Joseph yelled. Then, he held out a smoke bomb and disappeared. The police looked around, but couldn't find him.

"How about I escort you two home?" A me of the police man asked us. I nodded my head, showing fear.

"Thank you, ma'am for calling the police and trying to save my life, sort of-ish. Let me pay fo-" I started, but was interrupted by the register lady.

"Don't worry about it! Just take it. I'm glad I could be in assistance!" The lady said with a smile. I saw a "tip" jar and put a $20 bill in there. I seriously could not thank her enough. I took the clothes and left with Ryan and the police.


When we got home, the boys came rushing down like there was no tomorrow. Uh oh, they much of seen the police car.

"Clara, Ryan, is everything okay?" Jordan asks us.

"Yes, everything is fine. Joseph showed up at the mall and found Clara, but the register lady helped and Clara had her button. I got there just in time, but Joseph left before the police could even get to him," Ryan responded. I just stood there.

"Okay. How much were the clothes? Did I give you both too little?" Jordan asked us.

"The lady gave us the clothes for free. Here you can have your mo-" I was interrupted by Jordan.

"Keep the money for something else. You know I make a lot," Jordan says. I was ready to protest, but then he walked away.

"Clara!!" Andrew shouted. "I missed you! Take me with you next time!!"

"Oh course, Andy Buddy. I'll take you and Ryan and the three of us can go together next time," I said. He jumped up and down really excitingly, hugged my legs, since he's still really short and ran off. I went to my room to put my new clothes away.

As I made my way upstairs, my phone vibrated. When I got to my room, i put my stuff down and checked my message.

Hey, is everything okay? -Seth

I looked at it and smiled.

Yes, but Joseph found me earlier. I was able to get help, but he got away :/  -Clara

Aw man, I wish I was there. I'm glad you're okay XOXO -Seth

Thank you, Seth! :) -Clara

I put my phone down and glanced at my clock. Only 5pm. I had time to do stuff. But what should I do? Then the perfect idea popped in my head.

Bake cookies.

I love to bake! Especially cookies and brownies. I run downstairs and head towards the kitchen. I grab all the stuff to make chocolate chip Nutella cookies. Not only do I love them, but my my brothers do too. Even my mom and dad did too. My dad taught me how to make these, since this was the only thing he knew how to bake as far as sweets went. My mom and I did more of the baking around the house.

After 20 minutes, the cookie dough was done and about to go into the oven. I threw the tray in the oven, slammed the oven door, and mashed the buttons to set the timer for 10 minutes on 350°f.

After 10 minutes, I took the cookies out and set them in a plate. All of the boys followed the smell and Aaron was about to take a cookie, but then I smacked his hand.

"Owie! What did you do that for?" Aaron asked.

"We wait. They are hot and we should eat them together. Get the milk out please," I said. Aaron went to go do that. As he did, I placed the cookies in the table. Everyone grabbed one and started eating them.

"Man, Clara, I don't know what's going to happen when you leave for college. We are going to die without these cookies," Shawn said. I smiled.

"I will leave a recipe behind for you slackers,besides Andy and Jordan," I reply back with a smirk.

"Hey!" Aaron shouted.

"You wanna fight?" I threatened. Tip and advice, don't threaten to fight a flute. They will fight back.

He shook his head no. Everyone else just laughed.


Hey everyone.

I hope you like my book so far. Thank you for your love and support.

Don't threaten to fight a flute player! I am a flute player, and we don't joke lol.

Have a great day! :)

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